Brest Fortress
Brest Fortress is a unique fortification in Belarus, the most important monument of World War II, a symbol of heroic resistance and outstanding courage of its defenders. In 1965, during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Victory over fascism, the fortress was awarded the title of “Hero Fortress”, and in 1971 it became a memorial complex. Brest Fortress is located on 4 islands formed by the Mukhavets and Western Bug rivers. The most important main defensive node was the Citadel – an island with a closed, two-storied barracks and walls – two meters wide and almost two kilometers long. The Citadel was connected to the other islands of the Brest Fortress by lift bridges.

Video: Brest Fortress

The heroic history of the bastion began on June 22, 1941, when the Brest Fortress took the first blow of Hitler’s troops. The ratio of forces was critically unequal – 9 thousand Red Army fighters against twice as large a group of the enemy, whose plans were to take the fortress by noon of the same day. In a matter of hours a significant part of the Soviet fighters were killed, almost all armored vehicles were destroyed, warehouses and water supply system were destroyed. The remaining Red Army soldiers managed to organize themselves into autonomous groups to repel the enemy. In a few hours Brest Fortress was blocked, but the Soviet fighters managed to create pockets of resistance, breaking all the plans of the German command about the lightning start of the war. The Germans had to concentrate significant military forces here.
Commemorative structures

The most dramatic sculptural composition of the memorial is Thirst. The stone depicts the figure of a soldier trying to crawl to the water with a helmet in his hand from the last strength. The helmet is always filled with fresh flowers from visitors to the fortress.
.In the eastern part of the complex are the remains of the White Palace, one of the last stone buildings of Brest-Litovsk. Under the debris of the collapsed roof of the palace the last defenders of the fortress perished. In the 50s a stone with the inscription: “We die, but we do not surrender!” was found here.

Many books and films are devoted to the defense of the fortress. The most iconic of the films are “The Immortal Garrison”, “I am a Russian Soldier”, “The Battle for Moscow”, and “The Brest Fortress.”
A stone was found in Hitler’s study after his death, which he had taken from the ruins of the citadel when he visited Brest in August 1941.
.The end of peaceful life of the residents of the fortress was marked by a Saturday evening screening of the legendary movie “Valery Chkalov”, the next morning the bastion was subjected to massive bombing.
‘ class=”fancybox” >Holmskie Gates
How to get there
Brest is located in Belarus. You can walk from the city center to the Brest Fortress in half an hour, or take bus number 5 to the stop “Museum of Railway Equipment.”
The complex is open daily, from 09.00 to 18.00, excluding the last Tuesday of the month.
.The ticket price is 30000 Belarusian rubles ($2).