Vorobyovy Gory
Vorobyovy Gory is the highest of the seven hills on which the city stands. From here there is a beautiful panoramic view of Moscow, many of the best movies were filmed here, in this place there is always a huge number of wedding corteges, bikers and tourists. Karamzin tells a story about how in the early 19th century the famous French artist Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun came to Moscow to paint the famous view from the Sparrow Hills for Emperor Paul I. She stood for a long time on the high bank of the Moscow River. She stood for a long time on the high bank of the Moskva River, looking at the perspective, and then threw away her palette, saying only: “I dare not…”

Once here wanted to build a temple of Christ the Savior in honor of the victory over Napoleon. Collected all the world’s money, added from the imperial treasury. They entrusted the architect Wiedberg. But the funds were plundered with such speed and so skillfully that time, as never before in our Fatherland! Everything was blamed on the architect, although he was probably not to blame. But the main thing was that it was in no way possible to begin construction.
On the Vorobyovy Gory is the main building of the best Russian institution of higher education – Lomonosov Moscow State University. After completion of construction in 1953, the building became the tallest in Europe and was so for almost 40 years. 236 meters above the ground, 50 thousand rooms, 40 thousand tons of steel frames, 36 floors, 175 million bricks, the largest clock in Moscow with a dial 9 m in diameter, 111 elevators and kilometers of corridors. This giant shook all Europe.
In the new “city” there was everything so that students and teachers did not even have to go outside: their own post office, hairdresser, photo studio, clothing and shoe repair and police station. The MSU building is the tallest among the seven Moscow high-rises. These high-rises were built during Stalin’s time, also for ideological purposes – to glorify the power of the existing regime.
Many legends exist about the main building of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills. First, its basements go to such depths that one can safely say that there is a building of exactly the same size lurking underground. Secondly, there is a tunnel that connected the university building with Stalin’s dacha. The soil under the university is frozen by huge cryogenic chambers. If they stop working, the huge building will slide into the river. It is because of cryogenic chambers and all sorts of secret tunnels that the Sokolnicheskaya subway line goes so sharply away from the building of Moscow State University. True, there is a version that under the main building still runs a branch of the subway, but another, secret – “Metro-2”. The university was being built – as well as many other things in the capital in those years – by the most ordinary Soviet convicts. The bodies of those who died on the construction site were simply bricked up in the walls. Perhaps that is why there are so many suicides among non-resident students living in the MSU high-rise. Moscow State University is a favorite place for Moscow diggers. They say that under the steps of the Club entrance to the main building, small stalactites and stalagmites grow. They are a specially protected digger monument along with a huge pile of empty bottles that have been accumulating there since the mid-70s.
Nearest metro: Vorobyovy Gory, University