Voronezh Oceanarium

Voronezh Oceanarium is a modern entertainment center, which is very popular among Voronezh residents and tourists. It is the only such institution on the territory of the Black Earth Region and one of the city’s main attractions.


Video: Feeding sharks in Voronezh oceanarium



The oceanarium was opened in 2011. Its premises occupy an area of 4.4 thousand m² and are divided into four thematic zones: “Seas and Oceans”, “Polar Waters”, “Jungle” and “Forests and Steppes”. The Voronezh Oceanarium exhibits more than 300 species of animals. There are representatives of fauna living under water, species whose life is spent in tropical forests, animals adapted for dry climate and inhabitants of polar latitudes. It should be noted that the rooms set aside for terrestrial fauna are no less popular than those in which representatives of the underwater world can be seen.


In the marine aquarium with a capacity of 370 cubic meters live sharks, rays, barracudas, moray eels, spinaroos, groupers and other inhabitants of the seas and oceans of our planet. About 40 species of fish are kept here and the popular “Shark Feeding” show is held daily.”


Due to the species diversity, as well as excellent design of the premises, the oceanarium in Voronezh is considered an excellent local for family vacations. In addition to parents with children, schoolchildren and groups of children from kindergartens come here, because the rich collections serve as visual aids for lessons on the environment and biology.


The Sea Lounge, which looks like a ship’s cabin, hosts interactive play sessions. During them, children can touch porcupine needles and shark teeth, admire the feathers of penguins and other birds, and learn a lot of interesting things about the inhabitants of the Voronezh Oceanarium.


“Seas and Oceans”

The largest part of the Voronezh Oceanarium is a spacious marine aquarium. It is decorated like a shipwreck that is wrapped around by octopus tentacles. The aquarium is equipped with observation windows and tunnels through which the most unusual details of the life of sea creatures are revealed. Opposite the main observation window are rows of benches. Guests of the oceanarium like to sit on them and watch the fish and large sea turtles swimming behind the glass.


Polar Waters

Part of the premises of the Voronezh Oceanarium is presented in the form of icy shores of the northern seas. In the center of the exposition, on a podium decorated under the ice floes, there is a circular aquarium with pelyad, and in it a flock of silver fish swims in a circle all day long. Polar Waters has a corner where three harbor seals live, and a few rare Humboldt penguins have become real crowd favorites.


“Forests and Steppes”

The collections gathered in this thematic section are devoted to species inhabiting the Middle Belt of Russia, the American prairies and the savannahs of Africa. This part of the Voronezh Oceanarium is home to a family of meerkats, nosuchas, funny European river otters and raccoons.


In order for visitors to observe sturgeons, three cascading open aquariums were built here. They are specially enriched with oxygen to make the water chemically similar to river water. In addition to belugas, sterlets and albino sturgeons, catfish, pikes, mirror carps, white amurs, paddlefish and other freshwater fish swim in the aquariums.


The Jungle

About a fourth of the Voronezh Oceanarium is reserved for the inhabitants of the tropics. This is a great place to observe monkeys – Javan macaques, black crested mangobees and white-nosed monkeys.

The staff of the oceanarium is very proud of the mata mata turtle and the vulture turtle. In addition to them, in the “Jungle” live lemurs, sloths, crocodile caimans, Paraguayan anaconda, stingrays and giant river monsters – Amazonian aparaima.

The Voronezh Oceanarium has opened an exposition dedicated to the fauna of .

Visitor Information

The Voronezh Oceanarium welcomes guests on Monday from 14.00 to 21.00, and Tuesday through Sunday from 10.00 to 21.00. It should be borne in mind that the ticket offices stop working half an hour earlier. Visitors can explore the oceanarium on their own and as part of guided tours. The “Shark Feeding” show starts at 6 p.m. and runs on all days except Monday.


Children under 4 years old are allowed to stay in the Voronezh Oceanarium for free. On weekdays, an adult ticket will cost 550 rubles; children from 4 to 7 years old, schoolchildren, students and pensioners pay 450 rubles, and privileged categories of citizens – 200 rubles. Ticket prices on weekends and holidays are 100 rubles higher. Amateur photography and videography, including on a smartphone, is paid separately.


How to get there

Voronezh Oceanarium is located on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center City-Park “Grad” (Parkovaya Street, 3). This place is located in the northern suburbs of Voronezh, 20 km from the city center. The large shopping center stands near the highway A134 – an access road that leads from Voronezh to the federal highway M4 “Don”. From the city there are buses No. 34, 64, 84, 27A, 120A and A70.
