Valdai Lake

Valdai Lake is a large picturesque body of water located in the Novgorod region of Russia. This clear freshwater lake is considered the most beautiful in the blue necklace of lakes spreading on the Valdai Upland.

Valdai Lake attracts tourists and fishing enthusiasts all year round. They come here for the green forest shores, spacious pleats, pleasant sandy beaches, silence and colorful sunsets. In summer people come to the lake to swim and sunbathe, ride catamarans and snorkel. And in winter, the snow-covered surroundings of Valdai beckon lovers of skiing, as well as those who enjoy snowmobiling, sledding and “vatrushki”.


Video: Valdai Lake



Valdai Lake stretches for almost 40 km, reaches a width of 32 meters and covers an area of about 1970 hectares. It is of glacial origin, and therefore quite deep. The average depth reaches 12 meters, and the deepest places are 60 meters. The ice cover stays here from December to the first days of May, and from the beginning of May to the end of November the water body becomes navigable.


Valdai Lake is famous not only for the beauty of nature, but also for its architectural and historical sights. On Selvitsky Island there is an ancient monastery, the Valdai Iversky Monastery, founded in the middle of the 17th century. Today, the temples and other monastery buildings are beautifully restored and attract many Orthodox pilgrims and tourists who are interested in the history of Russian architecture.


Along the shores of Valdai Lake, vacation homes, hotels, guest houses and fishing bases have been built. However, many travelers prefer to rest wild and put tents right on the shore. In addition to water activities, tourists are popular with horseback riding tours, hiking, bus tours, as well as active sports – mini-golf, volleyball and soccer.


Geographical features

During the glaciation period, the Valdai Upland was covered by a thick shell of ice. When the climate changed, the glacier receded and a large lake with crystal clear water was formed. There are many cold springs at the bottom of the lake, which fill it with water as clear as crystal. And the name “Valdai” itself means “white” or “light.”

Valdai Lake is referred to as a standing body of water. This is explained by the large volume of water and weak flow. According to scientists’ calculations, the complete renewal of water in the lake occurs only once every 40 years.


The reservoir has three large islands – Patochny, Birch and Ryabinovy, as well as several small islets. Ryabinovy is located in the central part and divides it into two splashes – Dolgoborodsky and Valdai. On the western shore of Valdai Lake stands the town of Valdai.


The Ship Canal “Kopka” connects the reservoir with Lake Uzhin. Built the canal a long time ago, back in 1862, with funds collected by the Iversky monastery. And before that there was a small river Fedoseevka, which has a length of only 150 meters.


Protected area

In 1990, in order to preserve the biodiversity of the unique lake-forest complex, the Valdai National Park was established around Valdai Lake. It spreads over an area of 1585 km² and covers the lands of three districts of Novgorod region. Due to the fact that Moscow and St. Petersburg are not far from the protection zone, this national park has become one of the most visited in Russia. Since 2004, UNESCO has granted it the status of a biosphere reserve.


The park’s lands include areas of southern taiga and coniferous-broadleaved forests. There are many birch and spruce forests, pine forests and massifs of gray alder, aspen forests and oak forests. Coniferous trees predominate on the islands scattered around Valdai Lake, as well as on the southern shores of the lake. Specialists have counted more than 750 species of vascular plants and 126 varieties of mosses around the lake.


The national park is home to 50 species of mammals, 5 species of reptiles and 7 species of amphibians. And 180 species of birds live in the surrounding forests and on the lakeshores. Most of them stop near Valdai Lake during migration. Brown bears, wolves, lynxes, beavers, otters, Arctic hares, foxes and badgers can be found here. European mink, raccoon dogs, squirrels, weasels, stoats and martens also live on the banks of the reservoir.


Fishing on Valdai Lake

Valdai Lake is the deepest lake in the Novgorod region. It is home to more than 20 species of fish, and fishing enthusiasts from Novgorod, Tver, St. Petersburg and Moscow come here year after year. The pristine nature of the reservoir is preserved, thanks to the ban on the use of motor boats, as well as certain restrictions on access to the shores.


Local fishermen have a saying that the Valdai fish is the most correct, as it bites on any bait. On Valdai Lake, even those who are not very familiar with fishing tricks, do not remain without a good catch. The fish mostly stay on the shoals, at depths of up to 5 meters, or gather in flocks, constantly migrating around the lake. In small lakes around the main body of water, there are usually more fish and they are easier to catch.


As elsewhere in Central Russia, spring, summer and winter are considered the best times for fishing. In the fall months, when it gets colder, the fish go closer to the bottom. However, bream are also well caught on this body of water in the fall.


Due to the fact that Valdai Lake is standing, it is not easy to catch large fish on it. On a float rod, as a rule, go roach, ruffs and perch up to 20 cm long. It is believed that on Valdai Lake annually caught about 40 tons of different fish, with a third of the total catch falls on the organized catch of entrepreneurs.


Transparency of the water in Valdai Lake when fishing has its disadvantages, as the fish are easily frightened by the shadow of a passing boat. Experienced fishermen advise to stop the boat no closer than 20-30 meters from the fishing spot, and use gear for long throwing.


Valdai Iversky Monastery

The erection of the Orthodox monastery on one of the islands of Valdai Lake began in the summer of 1653. The initiator of the new monastery was Patriarch Nikon, and the decree on its establishment was signed by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. A year later the patriarch came to consecrate the first two wooden churches. According to one legend, he lowered a cross and the Gospel to the lake bed and called the lake Holy, so Valdai Iversky Monastery is often called Svyatoozersky.


The Tsar signed a special grant, according to which the new monastery received Valdai Lake with all its islands. In addition, the monastery was given Vyshny Volochek, Yalzhebitsy, Borovichi, as well as several smaller villages and monasteries.


During the years of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, and the local shrine – the Iversk Icon of the Mother of God – was lost. At first, the territory of the deserted monastery was given to the historical and archaeological and local history museum, and also placed on it workshops. When the war ended, disabled soldiers lived here and a forest school for children suffering from tuberculosis worked here. In the 1970s, a settlement was created on the island, and a recreation center was built on the monastery lands.


The monastery was returned to the faithful in 1991, and in a few years the monastery complex was completely restored. Today, the harmonious architectural ensemble includes churches and buildings of the XVII-XIX centuries. Particularly beautiful among them stands out the five-domed Assumption Cathedral, and its golden domes look great from the smooth surface of Valdai Lake.


The island on which the monastery stands is fully electrified, an asphalted road and a bridge were built to the monastery. The monastery has a museum telling about the history of monastic life and Patriarch Nikon.


The town of Valdai

On the western shore of Lake Valdai is the small town of Valdai. It appeared at the end of the XV century and became famous as a historical center of bell foundry production. Local craftsmen have long cast tinkling bells, wind chimes and large bells for churches, which are in demand throughout Russia.


In a beautiful snow-white rotunda, which stands in the very center of the city, the Museum of Bells (2A Truda St.) is open. Curiously, the rotunda was built in Valdai back in the days of Empress Catherine II. The museum welcomes visitors any day, except Tuesday, from 10.00 to 18.00.


The room inside the rotunda is not very spacious, so most of the exhibits were placed in the Museum Bell Center, created on Komsomolsky Avenue, 1. Its expositions are devoted not only to the local bell industry, but also to the history of bell making around the world. Archaic bells made in the 3rd century BC, as well as signal, ship, theater, coach, wind and fire bells and bells brought from different countries are exhibited here.


When you arrive in Valdai, it is worth a visit to the local museum of local lore, which is also called the Museum of the county town. It is housed in an old two-story mansion on Lunacharsky Street, 7. The exhibits in its halls tell about the history of the local area, the picturesque Valdai Lake, the protected nature, local customs, legends and traditions. The Museum is open for visitors every day, except Mondays, from 10.00 to 18.00.


How to get there

Valdai Lake can be reached by car, bus or rail. The town of Valdai is located on the 386 km of the M10 federal highway leading from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Many travelers come here by shuttle bus from St. Petersburg and Novgorod.


It takes only 6.30 h to get to Valdai station from Moscow by Pskov train. In addition, Valdai can be reached from Bologogo (60 km), where many northbound trains to St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Novgorod and Petrozavodsk stop.
