Tunguska Reserve

Tunguska Reserve is located in the central part of the Central Siberian Plateau in the Evenki District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. It was established in 1995 and is part of the Association of Reserves and National Parks of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion. The total area of the Tunguska Reserve is 296,562 hectares. The reserve territory is located on the southern border of the island permafrost distribution, about 70% of the region is occupied by forests, almost 20% is bogs. The Tunguska meteorite is directly related to the reserve: on June 30, 1908 in the interfluve of the Podkamennaya Tunguska there was a super-powerful explosion of a space object of unknown nature. And although there are practically no traces of the fall, this mystery of earth and space attracts researchers and tourists to these places.
