The brig in Kostroma

The brig in Kostroma is an architectural monument created in the era of late classicism. Here visited people who in one way or another influenced the course of historical events in Russia. The brig remembers not only arrested soldiers and officers, whose names mean nothing to people of the XXI century. Within its walls for some time lived Decembrists, Narodovists and Polish rebels.


Historical background

The brig was built in the 1820s. The project was led by the architect P. I. Fursov. According to the requirement of the governor K. I. Baumgarten, the building had to be well combined with the fire brig, which was located nearby. The brig was supposed to be used for detention of arrested servicemen. In addition, the personnel of the main guard was to be kept here.


The building was erected not as imposing and majestic as the city guardhouse. However, it still had artistic value. One-story building with an upper half-story (mezzanine) was skillfully decorated with stucco. The composition was made by S. С. Povirznev. On the building one can see an angel supporting the monogram of Alexander I, as well as various military ammunition, such as shields. The stucco decorations were meant to remind of the victory of the Russian people over Napoleon.


Until the beginning of the last century, the building was used for its intended purpose. In 1847 a fire caused considerable damage to the structure. But thanks to surviving drawings from the mid-1830s, the building was restored. Throughout the XIX century the brig was rebuilt. The building had several additional windows and a stone extension.

Since 1918, the brig in Kostroma was no longer a place to house prisoners and guards, it was used for various needs. Here were located and children’s library, and bank, and garrison commandant’s office. At the end of the last century, the building belonged to the Literary Museum.

The brig today

The building of the Kostroma brig has the status of an object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. Since 2007, the building has been used to house a department of the Kostroma Museum-Reserve, the exposition of which is devoted to military history. The exhibits include firearms and cold weapons from different epochs. Sabers, checkers, daggers, revolvers and shotguns are brought here not only from Russian but also from foreign cities. In addition to weapons, visitors can familiarize themselves with elements of warriors’ uniforms (ringlets, helmets, etc.), photographs, historical documents, orders, medals and banners.


The exposition of the museum is divided into several parts, located in different halls. The excursion usually begins in the hall called “Russia and the Russian Empire”. Here are objects created between the 12th century, in which Kostroma was founded, and the beginning of the twentieth century (including the period of World War I). One of the rooms is dedicated to revolutionary events and World War II. The exhibits of the first peaceful years are no less interesting. In 2010 the museum organized the Hall of Military Glory. The exposition is dedicated to the heroes born in Kostroma and the region.


What a visitor needs to know

  • The museum is located at the address: Kostroma, Lenina Street 1/2. The brig is part of the architectural ensemble of Susaninskaya Square.
  • Order a tour should be ordered in advance by phone. The museum is open daily from 11.00 to 19.00. Visiting all the halls usually takes at least 1.5 h.
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  • Guests of the museum are allowed to be photographed in military uniform or with weapons. As a memento of the visit to the brig, you can buy souvenirs sold in a special department.