Pechora Sea
Pechora Sea is the name of the southeastern part of the Barents Sea, between the islands of Kolguyev and Vaigach.

General information
The depth of the Pechersk Sea is up to 210 meters. Water temperature in summer 9 °C, salinity 23-30 . The tides are irregular semi-diurnal, from 0.5 to 1.8 m.
In the southern part of the Pechora Sea runs eastward Kolguyev Current, its continuation – the Novozemel Current; the currents are caused by the flow of the Pechora River, which flows into the sea (into the Pechora Bay). From November to June the sea is covered with floating ice. Fishing for cod, beluga whale, seal.
.Commercial oil fields are being developed on the shelf of the Pechora Sea – the Prirazlomnoye offshore field, developed jointly by Gazprom and Rosneft, and several onshore fields developed by Lukoil.