Nevitsky Castle

Nevitsky Castle is one of the oldest castles in Ukraine, which has survived to this day. It is located between the villages of Kamenitsa and Nevitskoye in Uzhgorod district, 12 km. from Uzhgorod. Since the castle was built for defensive purposes, it is located on a hill on the left bank of the Uzh River. Nevitsky castle is an example of fortification architecture of the Transcarpathian lands, where you can see elements of military equipment and fortification construction of the 13th-16th century.

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The defenses include two ramparts with a moat between them, a defensive wall with four towers on the inner rampart, an entrance tower, and inner buildings with a donjon tower. Of the four towers (late XIV-early XV century) on the inner rampart of the fortifications, three are semi-oval in shape and one is triangular. In the south-western part there is a hexagonal entrance tower, which is connected with the main fortifications by two parallel defensive walls. The square donjon tower stands out among the internal buildings of the castle. In the castle yard there is a well with a diameter of 3.5 meters.


The castle is currently in a mothballed state. The upper parts of the preserved towers are equipped with hipped ceilings, which give the structure a peculiar charm.



The first mention of the castle dates back to the 12th century. Most likely, its construction was connected with the activity of the Hungarian kings and the growing importance of the mountain passes of the Carpathians in trade with the East. At that time, a system of fortifications was built, which included ditches, embankments and palisades. Their remains were discovered not so long ago, in 2004, during excavations in one of the castles. The inner moat also belongs to the structures of that period. In 1241, the Mongol Tartars invaded Hungary and destroyed the Nevica Castle. Just 100 years later it was rebuilt by a new owner, the Transylvanian commander Amadeus Finti. It was one of the most peaceful periods of the structure’s existence. Amadeus was later assassinated by rebellious burghers. His sons attempted to avenge their father’s death, but this led to the site coming under the control of the troops of Hungarian King Charles Robert in 1317.


Constant military skirmishes and the development of firearms forced the new owners of the castle to make adjustments to its defenses. In the middle of the 15th century, a moat was carved in the monolithic rock on three sides of the castle, which was filled with water, and a wooden bridge across it was controlled from loopholes in the upper floors of the towers. The total area of the palace was more than 1000 m² and consisted of 31 rooms. Archaeologists and architects say that during the 15th-16th century the castle took the form in which it can be seen now.


The castle had three defensive lines. The remains of one of them, which was an embankment with wooden structures, can still be seen today. Between the second and third defense line there was even a small settlement of artisans serving the needs of the castle. In case of an attack, they hid behind the stone walls and joined the ranks of the castle defenders. The total number of people defending the castle was up to several hundred, but nevertheless the castle was often stormed and changed hands. In 1644 it was captured by a Transylvanian (György Rakoczy), who ordered the castle walls to be destroyed. From that moment, Nevice Castle becomes a ruin and is forgotten for many years. A small restoration is carried out at the end of the 19th century, but during the war the castle was neglected again. In 1923 a roof is erected over the towers. In 1939 battles between Czech and Hungarian troops are fought here. The last renovation works date back to the late 1960s. Unfortunately, this did not stop the process of destruction.


Legends of Nevice Castle

Nevitsky Castle has several interesting legends, however, like any self-respecting castle.


The first legend tells of an “evil maiden” who, in order to build the castle, issued an order to take away eggs and milk from the people, necessary for breeding building materials. All protesting inhabitants were severely punished by her. The “wicked maiden” was complained about all over the county, which reached King Matyash himself. He summoned the woman for a court hearing, but she did not show up.


Then the ruler gathered an army that was to go to the “wicked maiden” and punish her. However, the witch had already strengthened the castle so well that it was difficult to conquer it by simple storm. The king’s cunning and wisdom made it possible to defeat the “wicked witch” by deception. All the cattle from the neighboring villages were gathered around the castle, and the cows were dressed with tinkling objects and bells. The royal army lit hundreds of torches and began to make noise at the castle. The mistress of the castle, hearing all this, was frightened by the artificially created storm and had to leave the castle. The king personally rushed after her and caught her at the end of the valley. The woman tried to charm the ruler, but he was adamant and blew her head off with his saber.


Another popular legend of Nevica Castle is the legend of the unfortunate Helen. She was the daughter of a knight, but fell in love with a simple shepherd named Mihailo. Her father was against this choice of his daughter and found an alternative candidate for her heart. Elena decided that the only way out would be to get rid of her father and potential husband and move into the family castle with her beloved, but her father found out about her plans, disowned Elena and cursed her together with Mikhail. The couple in love immediately turned into a lake of crystal clarity, the same as their feelings. The remains of this body of water can still be seen today, located in the inner territory of the castle.


Useful information

The castle works without weekends, entrance is free of charge.

Address: Nevitskoe village, Kamienica, 100 Uzhanska Street, t/b “Verkhovyna”


Telephones: +38 (03122) 7-47-16, (03122) 7-47-34


How to get there

By public transport you can get to Nevitsky Castle from the bus station or by route cab № 115, which leaves from the center of Uzhgorod – Koryatovicha square. It is more convenient to get off in the village of Kamyanitsa, which is a little further from the village of Nevitskoe, and then pass through the pedestrian suspension bridge and climb the slope of the Castle Mountain.
