Greenland Sea
The attraction is related to the countries:IcelandIceland , NorwayDenmarkGreenland Sea is a part of the Arctic Ocean that lies between Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island.

General information
The total sea area is about 1,195,000 km², with an average depth of 1,641 meters and the greatest depth of 5,527 meters.
.The average water temperature is 0 °C to +6 °C in summer and -2 °C to +1 °C in winter. Salinity is 32-34‰ (usually higher in winter due to the formation of freshwater ice on the sea).
The central and northern parts of the Greenland Sea are saturated with floating ice fields, and in winter are covered by solid ice cover, making navigation almost impossible.
.The Greenland Sea has a good representation of plankton and benthos, making it a food source for a diverse marine fauna. Mammals in the Greenland Sea are represented by several species of whales (primarily the bowhead whale), dolphins (beluga whale and others), and harp seals.
Commercial fish include cod, herring, sea bass (Sebastes marinus), black halibut.