Hill of Crosses in Lithuania

Hill of Crosses is an unusual place located about 12 km from Siauliai. The Hill of Crosses is incredibly popular in Lithuania. It has become a symbol of the suffering of the Lithuanian people, unwavering faith in the best, hope and freedom. Today, a visit to the Mount of Crosses is included in the program of all excursions in the region.

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Locals refer to it as Prayer Mountain. In the past, it was called Yurgaiciai or Domantai Mound. It was first mentioned as an archaeological monument in the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage Register at the end of the 19th century. It is believed that people settled on this mountain as early as the first millennium AD. A wooden castle stood here from the 11th to the 14th century. The castle did not resist the Livonian Order’s onslaught. In 1348 it burned down and was never rebuilt.



Many legends explain why the first cross appeared on the mountain. One legend says it was erected by an inconsolable father whose beloved daughter was dying. A woman appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to make a cross and bring it to the mountain near the village of Meshkuichyai. The father did as he was ordered and brought the cross, made with his own hands, to the mountain. It took him 13 hours to get to the mountain. When he returned home, he was met by his daughter who had been miraculously healed. As word of the miracle spread, others also began to bring crosses to the mountain. Another legend says that a sick man took a vow to erect a cross on the mountain if the Lord would restore his health. Yet another legend says that the Virgin Mary herself commanded people to place crosses on the mountain.


Whatever the source of all these legends, but the first written mention of the Mountain of Crosses dates back to 1850, that is, shortly after the uprising of 1831, when many Lithuanians died. Their burial places were unknown. The inconsolable relatives could erect crosses in their memory on this mountain. After the uprising of 1863, the number of crosses increased even more.


Soviet period

The Mountain of Crosses gained special significance during the years of Soviet rule. It became a symbol of resistance to the regime. After Stalin’s death, in the mid-50s, deportees began to return to the country. And then new crosses appeared on the mountain with inscriptions telling about the great suffering and losses.

The crosses are an integral part of Lithuanian history. By 1961, there were already more than five thousand crosses on the mountain. The Soviet government decided that things had gone too far. In an attempt to make people forget about the Hill of Crosses forever, they burned the wooden crosses, destroyed the iron ones, smashed the ones made of stone and threw them all into the river. After that the hill was leveled with bulldozers. Rumors of an epidemic were spread so that people would not come to this place. The former hill was strictly guarded, but crosses continued to be brought here at night. This state of affairs continued for more than twenty years. Although the mountain no longer existed, believers continued to come to this place and even organized religious processions despite the strict prohibition of the authorities.



After Lithuania’s revival began in 1988, the future of Mt. Mount of Crosses became a milestone for the Christian world. In September 1993, Pope John Paul II celebrated a solemn Mass on the Mount of Crosses. The fame of the mountain was further increased when a magnificent crucifix, a gift from Pope John Paul II, was placed there. Church festivals began to be held on the mountain. Every year on the last weekend of July, the Holy Cross Church Festival is held here. In 2000, a Franciscan monastery was established at the foot of the mountain.


Since Lithuania’s independence in 1991, the mountain has become a monument of national importance. It preserves the memory of the suffering of the Lithuanian people during the years of occupation.

A visit to the Mountain of Crosses will be an unforgettable event of your life. It is a magical place, completely unusual and memorable. Do not think that before you will appear a huge mountain dotted with crosses. The mountain is more of a small hill, not very high and certainly not huge. The density of crosses of all shapes and sizes brought here is deeply moving. There is a narrow path between the crosses. On it you can go up to the top. There are a few crosses standing alone, but for the most part all the crosses are leaning against each other. You will see crosses of different shapes and sizes, made of different materials. Some crosses have small crosses hanging from them. Somewhere you will see rosary beads, photos, and notes. The Mount of Crosses makes a very touching impression. Near the ascent to the first mountain there is a wooden sculpture of Christ. It seems that he is about to collapse under the weight on his shoulders. Each cross has its own story – sometimes joyful, but most often sad.


If you come to Mount of Crosses on a sunny day, you will have one impression. If you find yourself here in cloudy, windy weather, the impression will be completely different. All visitors are welcome to leave their crosses on the mountain and pray before moving on.


How to get there

To get to the Mountain of Crosses from Šiauliai, drive north through the town of Tilzes. After about 10 km near the village of Jurgaiciai, turn right at the sign for Kryziu Kalnas – 2 km on a country road. Mount Krestov is on the right, so it is impossible to miss it. There are no direct buses to this place.
