Morne Trois Pitons National Park

Morne Trois Pitons National Park is the largest natural reserve of the Caribbean island of Dominica. The park is located in the area of Morne-Trois Piton Mountain (1,342 m), whose name translates as “The Mountain with Three Peaks”. The reserve covers an area of 68.6 km². Morne-Trois-Piton National Park was established in 1975 to preserve Dominica’s natural rainforests, which are home to many rare species of animals, birds, insects and endemic plants such as orchids, ferns and lianas. The park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.



The protected lands lie in an area of volcanic activity, so there are many geysers and sulfur gas outlets or fumaroles in Morne-Trois-Piton Park. Most of them are located in the Valley of Desolation. This place is so named because poisonous volcanic emissions prevent normal plant growth and the surrounding landscape resembles a lifeless wasteland.


Travelers come to Morne-Trois-Piton National Park to visit the rainforest and see its inhabitants. Tourists are attracted by scenic waterfalls, volcanic lakes and the water-filled Titou Gorge. The park is open all year round. The best time to visit here is from December to April, and less favorable – from June to November, when there are hurricanes on the island. The fee for a one-day visit to the reserve is $5, and $12 for 7 days.


Animals and birds

The largest mammals in Morne-Trois-Piton National Park are feral pigs. In addition to these, wild boars, agouti and southern opossums live under the forest canopy. When Dominica was developed by humans, rats and mice came with them on ships. It is also home to 3 species of small tree frogs, 8 species of lizards, whistling toads and iguanas. Of the five species of non-venomous snakes living in the reserve, the large tree boa constrictor, which can grow up to 3.6 meters, reaches the most impressive size.


Biologists have counted 36 species of bats in the park. It is not easy to see these secretive animals during the day, but those tourists who come to Morne-Trois-Piton for an overnight stay can observe bats flying in the evening.


There are 175 species of birds nesting on the reserve. In the dense forest thickets and on the mountain slopes one can find the Jaco parrot, the broad-winged falcon, the pigeon, the flycatcher and tiny hummingbirds. Interestingly, Dominica’s coat of arms features the whistling toad and large parrots, the royal amazons, which still live on protected lands.



The reserve is home to the island’s most famous lakes. One of the main natural attractions of Morne-Trois-Pion National Park is Boyling Lake or Boiling Lake. It lies 760 meters above sea level and is a flooded volcanic fumarole. The lake is 76 meters in diameter and 59 meters deep. Interestingly, from time to time the hot water makes low scary sounds.


In the center of the lake is boiling, and at its edges the water temperature reaches +82…+92 ° C. Because of this, a large vapor cloud consisting of volcanic vapors always hangs over the unusual body of water. The boiling lake is surrounded by steep cliffs, and in one place rises a plateau, from which this natural wonder opens in all its glory.


Traveling to Boyling Lake is very popular with park guests. However, for safety reasons, such excursions are not recommended without a guide. The fact is that the road to the lake is quite difficult. It takes about 4 hours and passes through a dense tropical forest. Travelers have to overcome mountain rivers, cross gorges, move along a narrow ridge and steep stony slopes. Hiking to Boiling Lake with a park staff member costs $50 per person.


Of great interest is also the island’s highest scenic lake, Lake Boeri. The fresh water body lies at an altitude of 869 meters, on the mountainside and fills the crater of a dormant volcano. It has an almost perfectly round shape and is reminiscent of the tranquil lakes of the Scottish Highlands. Boeree has a surface area of 1.82 hectares and is 35 meters deep. The water from this lake feeds many underground rivers.


In the north of Morne-Trois-Piton Park is another popular tourist destination, Emerald Lake or Emerald Pool. The small body of clear greenish water is located near a beautiful waterfall that is 6 meters high.


How to get there

The territory of Morne-Trois-Piton National Park is located in the southern part of the island, in the district of St. Patrick. From Roseau, the capital and largest city of Dominica, the reserve is less than 10 kilometers away. It takes 20 minutes to reach the reserve by car. Most hiking trails through the park start from the village of Laudat.
