Isle of Lesbos

Lesbos is the third largest and one of the most famous islands in Greece. Even the most fastidious travelers will find something to their liking here: beach holidays, active entertainment at sea and fascinating excursions to historical sites.


Video: One day on the island of Lesbos

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Sunset on the beach

Climatic and natural conditions

Thanks to the gentle Mediterranean climate, summers are warm and sunny, and the water warms up well as early as April-May. The winter is also mild and practically snow-free.

It is impossible not to mention the healing air of Lesvos, which helps to quickly relieve fatigue and nervous tension. This effect is achieved thanks to the pine forests that occupy vast areas. In addition, leisurely walks through olive groves, oak groves are useful.

Pine forest
Ancient Romanesque-style aqueduct in the east of the island

History of the island of Lesvos

The island of Lesbos can boast a truly centuries-old history – the first settlements that appeared on it, dating back to the III millennium BC. The favorable location, favorable climate and fertile land guaranteed rapid prosperity to the inhabitants. Not surprisingly, Lesbos has always been a tidbit for conquerors. First the Romans took over, and from the Middle Ages onwards it passed from one conqueror to another: first the Genoese settled here, then the Turks. Greece was only able to reclaim the island after World War I.


Beaches of Lesvos

Eftalou Beach
Skala Eresou Beach
Skala Kaloni Beach

Tourists looking for privacy and an opportunity to avoid intrusive service can look to the beaches of Vatera and Campo Antissa. The latter has some rocky areas, but this is mitigated by the opportunity to watch the turtles, which are abundant here.


Fans of extreme sports mainly choose the wild beach of Baloutsas. To get to it, it is desirable to get an SUV, because for lighter cars the track can be an impossible test. However, those who dare to make such a journey will be rewarded with the opportunity to relax in a place where, without exaggeration, rarely set foot. And not far from Mitimna there is a beach for those who like to sunbathe naked.

Vatera Beach
Sigri Beach
Wild Beach

Lesvos Attractions

To visit Lesbos and spend all your time on the beach is a real crime, as its attractions are unique.


Genoese Fortress

One of the visiting cards of the island is the Genoese Fortress, which stands on a hill near Mytilini. It was erected by the Byzantine ruler, choosing for the construction of the place where the acropolis was once located. The castle, by the way, the largest in the Eastern Mediterranean, had a defensive function and was supposed to serve as a defense against sea pirates. It is worth saying that it perfectly coped with the task, as even the Turkish army did not immediately managed to capture it. Now this place is the symbol of the island of Lesvos, the embodiment of its invincibility. Staying in Mytilini, it is also worth visiting the archaeological museum and the Cathedral of St. Athanasius.

Genoese Fortress
Petrified Forest” alt=””/>

Monastery of Moni Ypsilou

Streets of Ayiasos

Where to stay on Lesbos

‘ HomeAway service.


How to get to the island of Lesvos

Good transportation between the island and the mainland allows tourists to get to the selected resorts without the slightest problem, but almost always their way will lie through the main city of Lesvos. Thus, to Mytilini from Piraeus (Greater Athens) there are several daily ferry flights, and their number increases during the summer. Depending on the class of vessel, a ticket can cost between 40 and 120 euros, and the journey will take approximately 13 hours. Surprisingly enough, it is much faster to sail to Lesvos from Turkey, namely from the port of Ayvalik. For 40-50 euros passengers will be able to set foot on the island of Lesbos in an hour and a half after departure.

Lonokoe tree” alt=””/>Road in the middle of Lesbos

Another option is by plane, again, to Mytilini. You can fly here from Athens and Thessaloniki (Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines are the main carriers). Of course, the cost of the ticket will not be small, but sometimes airlines make good discounts, which are announced in advance on their official websites.

‘ class=”fancybox” >Grandpa and his donkey

Further travel can be continued by bus or cab. By the way, the services of the latter are relatively inexpensive: from 1 euro per kilometer. But for out-of-town trips, fixed rates apply.


It is also quite convenient to travel around the island by car. The conditions for successful conclusion of the rental contract – the presence of an international license, driving experience of at least a year. In addition, there is an age limit: persons aged 21 to 22 years old can rent a car class A, B and C, all others are available only to those who have already turned 23 years old.


You can feel like a native islander by renting… a donkey. These pack animals are often used by the people of Lesvos to travel short distances, and for tourists it is another way to have an unforgettable experience!
