Bimini Road

Bimini Road is about 700 meters of path on the ocean floor, lined with rectangular smooth limestone blocks. There is still debate about the origin of this road, it is one of the world’s mysteries. The Bimini Road is located off the northwest coast of North Bimini Island.



Some scientists are inclined to believe that the Bimini Road is a trace of a lost civilization, while others are convinced that the path is of natural origin.


Many divers want to see this natural wonder and try to understand whether man had a hand in the road or whether the smooth stones are the result of some natural phenomenon.


By the way, the islands of Bimini are known for other natural monuments that have unexplained properties. These include the Healing Grotto with water that makes you feel better in body and soul, as well as the Fountain of Youth, a lost source of eternal life and beauty, which is located somewhere off the coast of South Bimini.



In 1932, in “reading” 364-3, American psychic Edgar Casey, when asked where traces of the sunken Atlantis could be found, stated that one such place was the coast of Bimini. And indeed in 1968 near North Bimini at a depth of 5.5 meters zoologist Manson Valentine found a group of stone blocks, in the aggregate similar to the road.


This formation became widely known as the “Bimini Road”. The “road” is 0.8 kilometers long. The square-shaped limestone blocks with rounded edges give the impression of being hand-carved.

The road has been surveyed by a huge number of archaeologists, geologists and just amateurs. In addition to the main road, two additional roads have been discovered roughly parallel to the first. The roads are composed mostly of flat and rectangular stones. The larger one (the first one found) consists of stone blocks, with an average side length of 2-4 meters. The other two are narrower and shorter with stones measuring 1-2 meters.


There are arguments both in favor of artificial origin and against it. Very few stones are located near these three formations. That is, the roads are formed by a concentration of stones much higher than the average for the region. There are no other shorter linear concentrations of stones nearby. And the length of the roads found is more than half a kilometer. Nowhere in the vicinity, except for these formations, is there a situation where one stone is placed on top of another.


At the same time in different parts of the world there are a variety of natural formations of a rather strict geometric shape. Therefore, opponents of the idea of man-made creation of roads believe that such formations could well have been formed under the influence of the forces of nature.

There have also been attempts to determine the age of roads.

There have been attempts to determine the age of the find.


In 1978, the University of Miami conducted a radiocarbon analysis based on mollusk shells found in the formations. Several other laboratories also performed the analysis. The average age of the shells was 3,500 years old.


The uranium-thorium based analysis by John Gifford, one of the most famous researchers of the site, showed an age of about 15,000 years. But how much can we trust the accuracy of existing age determination analyses? There is a known case of charred trees found under lava basalts in .

The region is thought to have been below sea level 15,000 years ago, so the limestone under study cannot be dated to that age.


Bimini in the movies

  • “Mysteries of History. Mysteries of Atlantis” is a popular science film produced by AETN International and KP Productions in 2010
  • .
  • In episode 5 of season 3 of the TV series Dexter, Dexter goes to Bimini in pursuit of another victim.

How to get there

By airplane, travel to the Bahamas’ capital city of Nissau, and then take Continental Airlines or Bimini Island Air domestic flights to North Bimini Island.


It is not recommended to use Bimini Island Air services, as the airplanes do not depart on time and there are frequent cases of lost luggage.
