Pushkin Russian State Academic Drama Theater

Alexandrinsky Theater is the oldest drama theater in St. Petersburg, created back in the mid-18th century. In 1832, Carl Rossi erected a real architectural masterpiece in the classical style. The theater, named after Emperor Nicholas I’s wife Alexandra Feodorovna, was considered Russia’s main theatrical venue until the Revolution.


General information

Almost all works of Russian dramaturgical classics from Griboedov’s “Grief from Wit” to plays by Ostrovsky and Chekhov were premiered here. Famous Russian actors – from Karatygin and Martynov to Simonov, Cherkasov, Merkuryev, Gorbachev, Freindlich – played on its stage. Semyonova, Savina, Komissarzhevskaya, Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya shone here. Great theater directors Meyerhold, Vivien, Kozintsev, Tovstonogov, Akimov worked here. Famous artists Benois, Korovin, Golovin, Altman and composers Glazunov, Shostakovich, Shchedrin collaborated with the theater.


Now the Alexandrinsky Theater is headed by the famous director, People’s Artist of Russia Valery Fokin. It hosts performances of classical repertoire in the traditions of Russian psychological theater. Recently, a complete restoration of the building was completed – now it is one of the most luxurious and technically equipped theaters in the world.


Before the performance and during intermission, you can visit the spectacular Museum of Russian Drama, located in the theater itself. Historical costumes, furniture and props used in various productions are on display there. A ticket to the museum costs 50 p.



  • Address: Ostrovsky Square, 2. “Gostiny Dvor.”
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  • Tel: 312-15-45, 710-41-03.
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  • The ticket office works daily from 12.00 to 19.00 (break from 14.00 to 15.00).
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  • Tickets cost 350-2000 p.