Yaroslavl Zoo

Yaroslavl Zoo is the first and largest landscape-type zoo in the Russian Federation, located in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl. The large-scale object, accommodating on its territory about 250 species of rare animals and birds living in conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat, occupies an area of 120 hectares. Every year this amazing corner of wildlife is visited by more than 130 thousand people, and this is not only ordinary guests, but also members of all kinds of circles operating on the territory of the Yaroslavl Zoo.

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Concept and distinctive features

The opening of the facility took place in 2008 and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. Despite the huge area occupied by the zoo, the number of birds and mammals living on its territory can not be called a record. This feature is due to the main concept of the landscape zoo, which is to create the most comfortable conditions for animals to live in.

Unlike the inhabitants of traditional menageries, locked in cramped cages, all “residents” of the Yaroslavl Zoo can move freely in the open area. There are no dirty cages or artificial moats filled with muddy water, and the animals do not look as if they are at the last stage of exhaustion. Every inhabitant of this small ecosystem feels almost as at ease as if they were living in a natural wilderness environment.

Red Wolves

Structure of the Yaroslavl Zoo

The main goal pursued by the creators of the Yaroslavl Zoo was to be able to preserve rare and endangered species of animals by creating an optimal atmosphere for their reproduction. In accordance with this concept, the main inhabitants of the “Yaroslavl oasis” were those representatives of fauna threatened with extinction.

The territory of the Yaroslavl Zoo can be conditionally divided into two parts:

  • open areas;
  • closed pavilions.

Open areas are large areas of the park separated by a fence and mimic the main natural areas. Here you can find both predators (white lion, Amur tiger, hyena dog) and harmless herbivores like camels, reindeer and kangaroos. Each animal species has its own territory, and only representatives of the feathered family safely share the local lake among themselves.

Northern Reindeer
White lions

To the left of the main entrance, in a brown two-story building, sits the Ark demonstration and training center, which is essentially a closed part of the Yaroslavl Zoo. Just like on the biblical ship, all sorts of exotic fauna representatives are gathered here, as well as many species of plants, which any visitor of the center can get acquainted with. The building of the Ark is divided into several thematic halls, among which

  • botanical;
  • herpetological;
  • ichthyologic;
  • .
  • theriological;
  • theriological;ornithological;
  • .
  • invertebrate animal hall.

Usually people come to the Ark to attend the feeding demonstrations. For 500 rubles (the cost for the entire tour group) you will not only be told what green iguanas prefer for dessert, but also clearly demonstrate how the American caiman disposes of its lunch. In total, there are about 200 species of living creatures in the aviaries and terrariums of the Yaroslavl Zoo.

Demonstration and Training Center Ark

Those who miss tactile sensations should look into the contact sector located on the territory of the complex. In this cozy corner you can caress the animal you like, giving it some treats. And to learn interesting details about the life of feathered inhabitants, go to the bird yard or dovecote, located near the Ark.


Since it is difficult to get around all the interesting places of the zoo at once, there are small recreational areas on its territory. Here, visitors tired of walking can take a time-out to regain strength for further excursions. Yaroslavl Zoo also has its own cafe with a standard menu, and a bright playground for young guests.

Animal Feeding
Visitors watch a seal in the pond

Rules of behavior for visitors

The lack of standard cages and relatively free access to the animals creates a deceptive impression of safety, which is often taken advantage of by visitors. It is important to remember that no one is engaged in training of local inhabitants, and, in fact, you are dealing with representatives of wildlife, which continue to live by their own laws.


In the Yaroslavl Zoo it is strictly forbidden to cross the established boundaries and move around the territory occupied by animals. Tactile contact is also not welcome, but it is possible to feed four-legged pets. However, it should be done prudently and in moderation. Do not try to treat the locals with candies and bakery products, from which they have digestive problems. It is better to stock up on fruit and vegetable sets that are sold on the zoo grounds.

In the aquarium
At the aviary with a pelican

Offering a treat, be careful not to expect special gratitude: the animal may accept the gift, but at the same time and traumatize your hand. Well, of course, do not forget about respecting personal space. If you see that the animal is resting, you should not wake him up with loud shouts, trying to attract attention to your own person. By the way, almost all animal accommodation areas are equipped with webcams. So, if you don’t want to become the hero of a popular YouTube video, try to behave as adequately as possible.


Services of the Yaroslavl Zoo

In addition to the classic ticket that entitles you to a tour of the zoological grounds of the facility, the Yaroslavl Zoo provides other entertainment services. For example, for newlyweds here are organized solemn wedding ceremonies, including a romantic carriage ride through the picturesque alleys, release of doves and unusual photo shoot with the inhabitants of the zoo.


Those who would like to arrange an unforgettable children’s event, the organizers will offer several entertainment programs at once. In the Yaroslavl Zoo you can celebrate a birthday, the beginning of school, the end of the first grade, as well as many other events about which you would like to keep pleasant memories. Professional animators will occupy young visitors with fun contests, will conduct an informative tour of the zoo, and the most courageous are waiting for an unforgettable ride on horses.

Riding on the territory
Activities with children at the zoo
Girl with a ferret

Especially for young naturalists on the basis of the Yaroslavl Zoo there are several zoological circles where children learn about the peculiarities of life of exotic animals, and at the same time learn how to care for them. And those who have not yet acquired a pet, should look into the nursery, where anyone can choose a small furry friend (hamster, chinchilla, meerkat) or some representative of exotic fauna, like Madagascar cockroach. If you prefer close contact with an animal to simple observation, order a horseback ride. The cost of such entertainment will be about 450 rubles for a 50-minute ride.


How to get there

You can get to the Yaroslavl Zoo by bus (routes #21, 21B, 25, 34 121), or by minibus (#93). The official address of the facility is: Yaroslavl, 37 Shevelyukha St.

Yaroslavl Zoo