Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve
Voronezh Reserve is a protected natural area of 31,053 hectares located on the territory of Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. The reserve is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. The Voronezh Reserve was founded on December 3, 1923. Its initial mission was to preserve the endangered species of river beavers. Since 1934, a museum dedicated to the study of the beaver and the world’s first beaver nursery appeared on its national park territory. In 1985, the Voronezh Reserve was included in the list of the international network of biosphere reserves for its long-term studies of the environment and its impact on humans. To date, 334 species of vertebrate animals, including 60 species of mammals and 217 species of birds, have been registered in the Voronezh Reserve. But the main magnet attracting tourists remain beavers, with which you can get acquainted closer during a walk along the eco-trails.