Valley of Roses in Kislovodsk

Valley of Roses is the central section of the Kislovodsk National Park, where more than 80 elite and rare varieties of flowers grow. An unusually picturesque place, filled with flowerbeds and well-groomed lawns, has a special charm and aesthetic magnetism. Maybe that’s why many visitors never make it to the remote corners of the park, preferring to limit themselves to a tour of the giant rose garden.


Video: Valley of Roses in Kislovodsk


The emergence of the Valley of Roses is inextricably linked to the history of the emergence of the Kislovodsk park itself, laid out in 1823 under the leadership of General Alexei Yermolov. It was not easy to plant the place chosen by the military commander: the site was unsuitable for planting plants because of the stony soil. To somehow offset this shortcoming, soldiers and lower ranks, engaged in the development of the park territory, had to cart here black earth.


By the XIX century in the park appeared the so-called Tsar’s Playground, which in the future was destined to become the brightest and most fragrant place in Kislovodsk. The small plot of land was decorated with flowerbeds and a group of spruce trees.


The valley became truly “pink” only after the end of the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to the efforts of local breeders and gardeners, the park acquired a luxurious rose garden, regularly replenished with new varieties of flowers.


Rose Valley: location, appearance, visiting

The Valley of Roses is located near the sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze. Ordzhonikidze. Directly from the narzannaya gallery leaves a wide canvas terrenkura, on which you have to walk about one and a half kilometers. Take a walk near the orange alleys, visit the inhabitants of the local serpentarium, continue past the pool, spring, and several small cafes – and you are in the most romantic place of Kislovodsk: the Valley of Roses. Those who prefer a faster and more comfortable way of traveling can buy a ticket for the funicular and admire the spectacular views of the rose garden from a height of 250 meters. The Rose Valley is open to visitors from 9:00 to 21:00. In the evenings, this part of the park is illuminated by lanterns, so it is not scary to wander here even in the dark.


From the height of the cable car, the strictly calibrated shape of flowerbeds is especially clear. All of them are arranged in a staggered order: “cages” filled with flowers are interspersed with green areas of neatly trimmed lawn, the border between which is formed by tiled paths for visitors. The real floral splendor meets the guests of Kislovodsk in July and August. It is during this period that most of the rose bushes bloom, turning the surrounding landscape into a magnificent patterned carpet.


Undoubtedly, the magical beauty of the Valley of Roses is the result of titanic efforts of Kislovodsk gardeners and landscape designers. The state of the rose gardens, spread over more than 3 hectares of land, is monitored by a staff of permanent employees. By the way, to enjoy the wonderful view and aroma of flowers, as well as to take pictures against the backdrop of the local landscape can be absolutely free, but to tear plants park administration strictly prohibits.


In addition to the rose garden in the Valley of Roses there is another, less significant, but quite interesting attraction – a statue of a crocodile. It is customary to come to the “habitat” of the reptile to take unusual and funny photos or just to sit on its cool stone back.


How to get there

Kislovodsk is a small and compact city, so most local attractions are easy to get around on foot. For example, the way from the train station to the Valley of Roses will take about half an hour’s walk. Other options are a city cab or marshrutka (#21).
