Trongsa Dzong Fortress

Tongsa Dzong is a fortress in central Bhutan around which the town of Tongsa (Trongsa) was formed. The name means “new settlement” in the Dzong-ke language. It is Bhutan’s largest dzong, with the Tongsa dzongkhag administration and monastery inside. The dzong is sometimes described as a dragon flying over the mountain tops. Trongsa dzong was built in 1644 as a fortification that became the backbone of the Wangchuk dynasty that came to power in 1907. This beautiful dzong became the capital of the dynasty, but soon the main cultural and political movement moved to the west of the country and the capital became Punakha and then Thimphu. The Trongsa dzong is situated in such a way that it keeps control of the passage through the gorge that connects the western and eastern parts of Bhutan.
