
Transylvania is a historical region within Romania, located on the plateau of the same name, in the northwest of the country. Transylvania is bordered by the Carpathian Mountains to the east and south, and the numerous tributaries of the Danube create a picturesque landscape in the region. Time seems to have stopped here: flowering fields are replaced by untouched forests, clear lakes are called “sea eyes”, and the most reliable transportation is still a horse-drawn cart. However, this ancient region in the south of Eastern Europe has a very dark reputation and is associated with ancient castles, swarming with evil forces, primarily vampires.


Video: Heads and Tails “Transylvania”

‘ Highlights

The dark and mystical image of Transylvania was created by Irish writer Bram Stoker, reworking the tales of the cruel ruler of Wallachia, Vlad III Tepes, known as Count Dracula.


This has contributed greatly to Transylvania becoming Romania’s main tourist center. In addition to mysterious adventures, medieval towns, Gothic churches, mountain peaks, waterfalls and ski resorts await travelers here. Transylvania translates from Latin as “Transylvania”, which reflects the peculiarities of the area – forest thickets, mountain vistas, many springs and rivers.


The average elevation of the region ranges between 300 and 500 meters. Historically, the center of Transylvania was made up of 9 judez (districts), but today it also includes the territories to the north and west captured by Romania in 1919.


Transylvania” alt=””/>Village in Transylvania
Early Autumn

History of Transylvania

‘ Dracula’s castle (Bran), located near the picturesque town of Brasov. It was here that the filming of the movie ‘Dracula’ took place by Francis Coppola. It is known that the famous vampire from the literary work is written from a real historical person. The prototype was Vlad III Tepes Dracula, who founded the modern capital of the state, the city of Bucharest. But he is much more famous for his extraordinary cruelty towards his subjects. During Dracula’s reign, mass executions, designed to torture victims for long periods of time, became particularly widespread.

Castle Bran (Dracula’s Castle)
The inner courtyard of Castle Bran
Bran Castle and the surrounding area
‘ City of Brasov

Also worth a look is the ancient city of Brasov, which is located in a small mountain valley. It was once the center of the region, so it boasts many attractions. Among them are the churches of St. Bartholomew and St. Nicholas, the Catherine Gate, the Black Church, the town hall, the Historical Museum and so on. It is one of the few towns that has almost completely preserved its medieval appearance. Not far from Brasov is the fortress of Rishnov, which was built in the XIV century and for a long time belonged to the Teutonic Knights. From here you can observe breathtaking mountain views.


Medieval towns and palaces

‘ Pelesh Castle is one of the royal residences. Its appearance harmoniously combines rococo, baroque and renaissance features. Inside, extensive collections of rare art objects are on display.

But if you want to visit a place really connected with Dracula, you should go to the town of Targovishte. Here in the XV century were the castle and permanent court of Vlad III. According to legends, in this area during Dracula’s lifetime there were a large number of stakes specially designed for executions. It is said that the cruel ruler watched the torment of the condemned from a separate tower. Today only ruins of the castle remain, but they make a lasting impression on the viewer.

Ruins in the town of Tyrgovishte

Also worth a visit is the city of Cluj-Napoca, which has long been the capital of the region. There are many beautiful Gothic buildings, cathedrals and monasteries here. Among them the Church of St. Michael, which was built over two centuries, stands out.


‘ Sigishoara, founded by merchants from Saxony back in the 13th century. By the way, it is the birthplace of Dracula.


The old part of Sighisoara has been preserved almost completely: narrow cobbled streets, towers with crenellated walls, many frescoes and wrought iron signs – all this makes you feel like a guest of the real Middle Ages. The most striking sights here are the Lutheran Church, the ancient citadel, the city museum. Also travelers have the opportunity to visit the observation deck to enjoy a magnificent panorama of the region. The city still preserves the house of Vlad Tepes, which is now a museum offering to the attention of guests expositions of collections of weapons and torture instruments.


However, don’t think of a trip to Transylvania as being solely about Dracula. In fact, there are many other sights, ancient fortresses and castles. And fully intact medieval towns are more rare even in Europe than in Transylvania.

Transylvania in winter
Corvinov Castle in Transylvania
Rural landscape
Cemetery in Transylvania

Weather and climate

Transylvania is very close to the Carpathian mountain ranges, which branch inland. This, as well as its location on top of a plateau, makes the local climate quite harsh. Winter lasts from mid-autumn to May, warm spring is quickly replaced by a rather mild summer. The abundance of water sources and forests contributes to the high humidity. It is preferable to travel in May at the earliest, so that the warm weather has already settled in and most of the snow has melted.



‘ class=”fancybox” >Local Farmers

Entry to the cathedrals, churches and monasteries is free. You will only have to pay a small fee to visit museums as well as castle complexes. Most attractions are available for individual visits or as part of an organized tour.


The local population is very welcoming to tourists. The predominant language is Romanian, but you can also explain yourself in English, Russian or Ukrainian. To visit Romania, Russian citizens need to open a visa at the consulate of this country.


To get to one of the cities of Transylvania (Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Târgu-Mures) you can take a direct flight from Bucharest or another European city or with a connection from Moscow. Another option is a train from Bucharest, Vienna or Budapest.
