Caravanserai Tash Rabat
Tash Rabat is a caravanserai on the territory of At-Bashy district, in the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. The structure is located on the bank of the winding river Tash-Rabat, at an altitude of over 3,500 meters above sea level. Tash-Rabat was built in the XV century on the site of an older monastery of IX-X centuries. There are two versions of its foundation. According to the first, the temple was founded by Christian monks from Syria or a Christian sect. Supporters of the second theory believe that it was founded by Buddhist monks. Tash-Rabat was a key point in the crossing of the Tien Shan on the Great Silk Road, as it not only provided shelter for merchants, but also served as a fortification against robbers’ raids. Traders traveled through the caravanserai to the cities of the Fergana Valley.