Tallinn Town Hall Square (Raekoja plats)
Tallinn’s Town Hall Square is the center of the lower quarter of the Old Town in a ring of parapet walls erected in the Middle Ages to protect it from looters. Once used for market trading and public executions, this cobblestone square is east of Toompea, and the long and steep Pikk jalg street leads to the castle.

General information
Tallinn’s most beautiful and “photogenic” square is filled with tourists and locals day and night. The City Hall, located on the south side of the square, is a worthy example of Baltic architectural heritage.
The ancient Town Hall Pharmacy in the northeast corner of the square has a long history. It was built in 1422 and has been in continuous operation ever since. The ointments and powders have been replaced by more modern medicines, but the interior has been preserved.
The streets around the square show the best examples of Baroque architecture in the Baltic. This part of the city, with its many boutiques and art galleries, has also become the trendiest shopping center in Tallinn. Take a walk to fully appreciate the beauty of this place.
.To the west of Toompea, gardens and parks stretch in a crescent around the fortifications. In summer, the Komandandi Garden and the larger Hirve and Toompark parks with a landscaped pond are perfect for picnics or a stroll.