Sukko village

Sukko is a village 12 km from Anapa, located on the Black Sea coast, surrounded by the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. The main difference between this mini resort and other settlements on the coast is its unique therapeutic climate. In addition to the sea, for the healing qualities of the local air is responsible for the relic juniper, thickets of which filled Sukko and the surrounding area.


Video: Sukko


General Information

The village has a very picturesque, if not to say “postcard”, location: Sukko occupies a cozy green valley, through which flows the river of the same name, flowing into the Black Sea. Despite the fact that the resort has no major attractions, it is quite good at “taking” vacationers from Anapa. The reasons why tourists prefer modest Sukko to its partying neighbor, several. This is a cleaner sea, which in combination with the air impregnated with aromatic resins gives an incredible therapeutic effect, and peaceful atmosphere, which will be appreciated by vacationers, satiated with the hustle and bustle of popular resorts.


Sukko belongs to the category of family vacation spots, where tourists of any age are equally comfortable. One of the largest institutions of the settlement is the children’s camp “Change”, which is annually visited by thousands of small resort guests. The local entertainment industry, though unpretentious, but also does not stand still, so if you have long wanted to exercise in hiking, diving or extreme riding on quad bikes, in Sukko quickly realize your dreams. Well, and if living in the village suddenly tires excessive dimensionality, there is always an opportunity to rush for a day or two in Anapa.


Weather. Best time for a trip

Sukko has a climate similar to Anapa’s, but with its own peculiarities. Namely: the air in the vicinity of the village is more humid than in the neighboring resort, at the same time the nearby mountains resist the winds, which positively affects the general atmosphere in the valley. Another pleasant bonus: unlike Anapa, in Sukko the sea practically doesn’t bloom, so if you dream of transparent water without plankton – the village beach is waiting for you.

The most favorable months for swimming and sunbathing – July-August, so going to the resort in this time period, be prepared for a lively party on the beach and the surrounding area. Lovers of silence and meditative rest to pull up on the coast is better in the velvet season. By the end of August, the last schoolchildren leave the children’s camp, the ranks of adult vacationers are also gradually thinning. September in Sukko still weather, and sometimes hot, so the sea continues to “keep” a comfortable temperature for bathing.


Late spring and mid-autumn turn the resort valley into a variegated fantasy landscape, which will ideally perform the function of a natural photo backdrop. Vacationers at this time of year are few, which allows you to rent accommodation for an order of magnitude cheaper. Usually in the off-season the village is visited by tourists who appreciate its climatic factors: the air in Sukko is impregnated with cypress and juniper resins, as well as iodine, so it is considered therapeutic.

Cypress Lake in Sukko

History of Sukko

The valley surrounding the resort is believed to have been inhabited as far back as Antiquity. Hints at the impressive age of the village and its name: from Old Turkic “Sukko” translates as “porpoise” – that’s how they once called dolphins, which were frequent guests in the local bays. As for the resort history of the village, it is inextricably linked with the family of landlords Loris-Melikov, who owned the local lands and were engaged in their improvement for several generations. Thanks to them, at the end of the XIX century Sukko drowning in gardens and vineyards already had the status of an independent attraction. For example, it is known that at the peak of the bathing season, carriages filled with bored sightseers from Anapa regularly visited the count’s estate.


Attractions, entertainment, excursions

Sukko is a typical seaside village with a compact territory, which continues to be actively built up. It is difficult to find anything remotely resembling an attraction within the settlement, unless you count a small Ferris wheel almost in its very center. As a result: forays outside the resort area to gain fresh impressions will be inevitable.


One of the closest locations – Lake Sukko, from the surface of which stretches to the sun the rarest swamp cypresses, planted here in the first half of the last century. The site suffered a drought in 2020, causing the water to recede from the trees. But there’s hope that seasonal rains will keep the green giants from dying.

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A good time can be had at the African Village. This is an indoor showground, where natives of Africa give colorful performances to the accompaniment of folk instruments. The location is also close to a cypress lake and, according to reviews, remains one of the resort’s most exotic attractions.


If desired, you can walk to the Bolshoi Utrish preserve, along the way enjoying the local landscape, which to many reminds the views of the Cypriot provinces. The protected area is located just 5 km from Sukko and is officially closed for visits, but the local dolphinarium can be visited quite freely. In Maliy Utrish there are a couple of nice beaches, separated by a cape and popular with residents of neighboring Anapa. At the same time, despite the protected status of the territory, the coastal part is not wild at all – there is an opportunity to rent a cozy gazebo for a picnic, sit with a glass of foam in a cafe, rent a comfortable deck chair.

Bolshoy Utrish

If you want an easy change of scenery and bright gastronomic impressions, make time for a trip to the village of Sauk-Dere, famous for its winery. The guests of the enterprise are welcome: a tour of the production workshops and cellars, tastings, as well as acquaintance with the enoteca, storing the rarest varieties of domestic wines and cognacs. Kiosks selling any tours and excursions can be easily found on the main street of Sukko, leading to the beach.

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Sauk-Dere Winery

Beach vacation and diving in Sukko

In Sukko is located a small but quite cozy beach, stretching for about 800 m. The shore and the entrance to the water is covered with large pebbles, so walks without flip-flops is better to forget. It is also worth bringing a special mat for sunbathing, especially since all the necessary accessories can be easily purchased at the resort’s retail outlets. In addition, there are other peculiarities, about which it is better to know in advance. In particular, the sea in the Sukko area is rapidly increasing in depth, so parents arriving on vacation with children will not be able to fully relax – the floundering in the water kids will have to be vigilantly watched. But there are pluses, the most significant of which – high water clarity and almost complete absence of waves.


It is not recommended to stay on the beach at the confluence of the Sukko River into the sea – passing through the village, the river flow carries garbage, and sometimes sewage. Choosing places for relaxation on the Black Sea pebbles, take into account the fact that part of the beach is assigned to the children’s camp “Smena”. In fact, all comers can settle down on the shore, belonging to the institution (deck chairs are paid). However, when the young vacationers of “Smena” are taken out for swimming, all outsiders may be asked to leave the territory.


In addition to the traditional beach zen, in Sukko you can find more active activities. For example, it is real to arrange a fascinating diving tour: local organizers offer both programs for beginners and more pumped up types of diving. Basically, tourists are taken around the surrounding racks – to sunken ships, planes and tankers like “Gordipia”, “Odessa City Council”, “Valerian Kuibyshev”, IL-2 attack aircraft and bomber “Boston.”


Connoisseurs of locations with a more impressive history local divers can offer a tour to the bank of Mary Magdalene, where, according to the popularized version, there was an ancient parking lot of galleys. Of course, you will not be able to find the remains of ancient ships on the bottom, so you will have to be satisfied only with the scenery of the underwater world – the seascape in the area of the bank is fantastic, enhanced by excellent visibility up to 20 meters

Sukko Beach

Restaurants and cafes

Despite the popularity of the village among Russian vacationers, even in the peak season in local cafes will always find a free table. Most of the catering outlets are located on the so-called Broadway – a busy promenade leading to the beach. In order to attract the attention of potential customers, the owners of Broadway kebab shops set up grills right in front of their own establishments and cook culinary masterpieces in front of passers-by. In order to save your budget, you should also pay attention to local canteens – “Semeynaya”, “Ellina”, “Three Kopecks”. The average check in most of them does not exceed 200-300 rubles.


Tourists who prefer more sophisticated cuisine and fast service will like the grill-bar “Paprika”. The average bill is 800 rubles. Not bad food and in “Eden”, which is on Cossack passage. Apart from appetizing menu based on Caucasian specialties, the facility offers live music and a small dance floor. If you need a higher level of service and chamber atmosphere, look into the restaurant at the hotel complex “Delmont”, dinner without wine in which will cost around 1500-2000 rubles.


Fans of home cooking will help out the village market and chain grocery stores, where you can stock up on the necessary ingredients for the subsequent preparation of lunch or dinner. Well, for gastronomic exotics it is recommended to go to the Bolshoi Utrish preserve, famous for its oyster farm. To taste mollusks, look for a restaurant called “Fort Utrish” in its vicinity, through the kitchen of which most of the gifts of the Black Sea pass.


Where to stay

The resort is adjusting to tourist needs in all areas, including the hotel business. For example, for travelers who prefer to book a room and do not think about anything, there are several hotels in Sukko, working on an “all-inclusive” system. The lower price bar in such places is 6400-6900 rubles per day; the level of service is traditional three stars. Not the least role in pricing is played by the location of accommodation: the shorter the way to the beach, the more expensive accommodation.


If hotel rates do not suit, you can stay in one of the many pensions and guest houses. The cost of living in such places starts at 1200 rubles and ends around 2000 rubles, depending on the comfort of the rooms, as well as the presence of a swimming pool on the territory. Free Wi-Fi is provided in almost all hotels and guesthouses. But the place for parking guests is not ready to offer not every institution, so before booking it is better to find out in advance whether the selected hotel has its own parking lot.


Fans of a standard set of amenities will easily find an apartment in local residential complexes. The most economical, although quite ascetic in terms of technical equipment remains a private sector. Rooms in Sukko are surrendered everywhere, but in order not to run on arrival in search of free places, it is better to study in advance the proposals posted on virtual bulletin boards. Prices for rooms also vary, but in the season is unlikely to be able to rent a room, not too remote from the beach, cheaper than 700-800 rubles per day.



The largest selection of magnets, mugs and other vacation souvenirs – in tents on Broadway, which is the main shopping street of the village, while serving as a resort promenade. Here you can also look for pillows stuffed with juniper shavings, due to the content of natural esters, which have a relaxing and antibacterial effect.


In Sukko, many shops offering homemade wine are open. However, here you will have to include caution – not all sellers are conscientious, and the origin of the grape drink is not always transparent. It is better to save your money for an excursion to Sauk-Dere: the factory has a store where you can buy branded wine products. Spices, local honey and natural southern sweets like churchkhela are also among the top gastronomic purchases.



Within the village you will have to move on foot or by bicycle. By the way, for trips it is better to rent a mountain bike, which better befriends the local terrain. Rates for the operation of the vehicle may vary. As an example: an hour of riding on a bicycle, taken at the rental point of Sukko Lake, will cost 300 rubles. The most comfortable and expensive form of transportation is a cab. And it is better to choose official firms, as local private drivers have even more expensive fares. It is possible to make longer journeys around the vicinity, including Bolshoi Utrish and Knight’s Castle, by Anapa shuttle bus № 109. It will also take you to Varvarovka and Supsekh.


How to get there

Travel to Sukko without transfers is available only to motorists. In all other cases, you will have to sacrifice a share of personal comfort. Part of the journey can be done by plane: the nearest airports to the resort are located in Anapa (32 km) and Gelendzhik (92 km).


Vacationers who landed in Anapa, will need to take the bus number 113 to get from the airport to the city bus station, and then buy a ticket for the route number 109, going in the direction of Sukko. From Gelendzhik airport you can get to the city itself by bus number 16. Then at the so-called upper bus station you need to change to any marshrutka to Anapa. Further it remains to rely again on the familiar bus flight № 109 or the services of taxi firms.


Quite a popular way to travel – a direct train to Anapa, and then a bus to Sukko. You can complicate the task a little and take a train to Novorossiysk, where you will have to change to a bus to Anapa and further get to the classic scheme, using the 109th route.


Traveling by bus to Anapa and then changing to any minibus to Sukko is also possible. In the season there are direct flights from Moscow in this direction. The place of departure – bus stations Central and Southern Gate.


The way to the resort village on your own car will take about 18 hours, if you leave Moscow. Start the journey should be from the M4 highway, turning to the right at the sign with the names of the villages of Leningradskaya and Kanevskaya. Then you will have to take the route through the towns of Timashevsk and Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Before Anapa it is necessary to exit to the road A-290, not forgetting to turn right near the sign “Sukko, Big Utrish.”


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