Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal

Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal is a unique shrine known for its centuries-old history. Today there is a museum-architectural complex that welcomes visitors, offering them a lot of interesting expositions.


Video: Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal



Walls of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery” alt=””/>

St. Euthymius

St. Euthymius of Suzdal was the first archimandrite of the Spaso-Euthymius Monastery, who put his whole life into caring for the wealth and prosperity of his appanage. Under him 300 monks lived here, who honored the holy way of life in everything. From manuscript sources it is known that Euthymius died on April 1, 1404 (according to the Julian calendar). The monks buried his remains at the walls of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on the territory of the monastery.


In 1507, during the construction of the moat for the new church, the remains were removed and reburied in the Euthymius aisle, at the same time the whole monastery complex was renamed from Spaso-Preobrazhensky to Spaso-Euthymius.


In 1549 Euthymius of Suzdal was elevated to the countenance of saints. In May 1922 the relics of St. Euthymius were removed from the place of burial and left their native walls for a long time, passing from one anti-religious exposition to another. It was possible to return the shrine only on October 10, 2015, now it is in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

Inside Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery” alt=””/>

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral

From the manuscripts found we know that the oldest structure on the territory of the monastery was a wooden church of the Transfiguration of the Savior. In 1507-1511, a small stone church was erected in its place, which was named Spassky.

Yard of the prison building of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery
Memorial plate in the Prison Castle

Monastery Towers

Bust of Dmitry Pozharsky in front of the entrance to the monastery
Bust of Dmitry Pozharskomu.jpg” alt=””/>Monument Chapel to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky

How to get there

Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery is located at the address: Suzdal, Lenina St., 146. It is very easy to get to the city from Vladimir by bus, running daily from 07:30 (Saturday and Sunday from 8:30) to 21:40. Using this transportation, you will have to spend no more than an hour on the road.


The cost of a single ticket to visit the entire complex is 400 rubles for adults and 200 rubles for children, students and pensioners. Prices are current as of January 1, 2016.


For more information, please call +7(4922) 32- 42-63 (excursion department).
