Sovet-Kvadzhe settlement

Sovet-Kvadzhe is a picturesque resort village that lies at the foot of the mountains on the Black Sea coast. It has the status of a resort microdistrict of Sochi and is located between the popular vacation spots – Vishnevka and Ashe. In translation from the Adygean language Sovet-Kvadzhe means “council of villages”. This name appeared in the 30s of the last century.

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The resort area is away from industrial industries. In Sovet-Kvadzha there is a well-maintained arboretum with exotic plants, and on the territory of the boarding house “Romashka” there is a small park with peacocks. The mountain slopes around the village are covered with green Kolkheti forests, and because of this the humid sea air is filled with the aromas of pizund pines and cypresses. The highest point in the vicinity is Mount Neozhidannaya (503 m), which is located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name.


In Sovet-Kvadzha stay tourists who prefer a quiet vacation, as well as families with children. However, the village is also popular with those who like active traveling. From here it is convenient to hike and horseback riding in the mountains, and from the coast vacationers are taken to interesting sea excursions.


Resort development Sovet-Kvadzhe stretched along the Black Sea coast for 2.5 km, and therefore almost all housing is located near the sea. From any part of the village road to the beaches takes a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Here you can stay in the private sector, mini-hotels and guest houses. In addition, those who come to Sovet-Kvadzha stay in boarding houses and sanatoriums. Many are attracted by the fact that housing prices in the village are noticeably lower than in Tuapse, Lazarevsky or Sochi.


Despite its small size, Sovet-Kvadzhe has a developed infrastructure. It has a post office and a branch of the sberbank. There are cafes, canteens, bars, playgrounds, a pharmacy and two hardware stores. And products can be bought in small stores and at the market.


In Sovet-Kvadzha you can easily combine a pleasant beach vacation with bus excursions. From the village popular excursion tours to Abkhazia, to Krasnaya Polyana, to the dolmen in Soloniki, in the beautiful Crab, Svir and Samshitovoye gorges, in the emerald valley of the Ashe River, as well as to the waterfalls on the Shakha River. From Sovet-Kvadzhe is not difficult to independently go to the Museum of Defense of the city of Tuapse, in the picturesque kingdom of Berendeyevo, to the giant tulip tree and the Lazarevsky dolphinarium.


History of the settlement Sovet-Kvadzhe

The rich Russian gold producer Konstantin Mikhailovich Sibiryakov wrote the first pages in the history of the resort place. In the 1870s he bought the coastal lands and built on them the estate “Elizavetinskoye”. Sibiryakov built roads and a rich lord’s house. Thanks to his efforts, a beautiful park was laid out in a deserted place, fountains were built and rare species of trees and shrubs were planted.

Sibiryakov was passionate about viticulture and winemaking. He dreamed of planting the surrounding slopes with vineyards and getting good wine. The entrepreneur’s wish was fulfilled. In a few years, elite vineyards appeared around the estate, and Sibiryakov managed to create a deliciously tasty wine “Clos-Dashe”. Moreover, he even managed to build in the village the first Varvarinsky school of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking in the region. Later this educational institution was transferred to Tuapse.


At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, Sibiryakov sold the coastal lands to brothers Lev Viktorovich and Viktor Viktorovich Golubev, who continued the traditions of local winemaking and built a dacha for their family near the sea. In the “Guide to the Caucasus”, published in 1909, the Golubev estate was called the dacha “Klo-Dashe.”


A special fame of the Black Sea wine was brought by the exhibition “Russian Riviera”, held in St. Petersburg in 1913. The winemaking of the Golubev brothers was a great success with visitors and interested many Russians. Nowadays the place where the estate was located is called “Blue Dacha”. It is located to the south of the modern Sovet-Kvadzhe and is separated from it by the Neozhidannaya River.


Until 1958 there were two settlements on the seashore: Sibirsky and Sovet-Kvadzhe, but then they were combined into one settlement – Sibirsky. Nevertheless, the old name “Sovet-Kvadzhe” remained on the maps, and the locals continue to call their settlement that way. And Sibirsky has turned into one of the settlement’s microdistricts.


Today, the old Sibiryakov estate belongs to the sanatorium “South”, which began receiving vacationers in 1924. In the former lord’s house are a movie-concert hall and a spacious sanatorium dining room. And in the place where the dacha of L. Golubev used to stand, you can see the buildings of the reservation. Golubev, you can see the buildings of the abandoned children’s sanatorium “Golubaya Dacha”.


Beaches in Sovet-Kvadzha

Beach strip in Sovet-Kvadzha pebble, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the bottom of the sea is covered with sand. Bathing season here lasts from the end of May to mid-October. In summer, the temperature of sea water stays within +24 … +26 ° C, and in the shallow water is even warmer – it is for this reason Sovet-Kvadzhe choose for recreation parents with young children.


In the resort village there is one municipal beach, as well as beaches that belong to resorts and sanatoriums. Fortunately, they are open not only for guests, but for all comers. And from everywhere tourists are taken on boat trips and fishing in the open sea.


The free public beach in Sovet Kvadzha stretches for 100 meters and has a width of 15 meters. In summertime, several cafes and bars open along it, and small shops actively sell resort goods and souvenirs. Vacationers can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, ride jet skis and water skis, parachute behind a boat and jump on the waves on “bananas” and “water trampolines.”


Beach area sanatorium “South” stretched for 200 meters and is open from 7.00 to 23.00. There is a rental of beach equipment, solarium and a good bar. In the summer on the beach sanatorium “South”, as well as on the beach areas of other sanatoriums Sovet-Kvadzhe set water slides – a favorite entertainment for children.


The beach boarding house “Romashka” is covered with fine, well-rounded pebbles. It stretches for 250 meters and has a width of 15 meters. To rest on the beach was comfortable, there are a medical center, cafe, changing rooms, showers and aerarium.



On the territory of the sanatorium “South” is a picturesque dendropark, which is the real pride of Sovet-Kvadzhe. Its history began with the park, planted in the late XIX century at the request of the owner of the estate K. M. Sibiryakov.


Today on a large well-maintained territory of 18 hectares there are more than 600 species of plants from all over the world. Here you can see quite a few relict trees and shrubs, and, encouragingly, the rich floral collection is constantly being replenished. The dendropark is designed as an evergreen landscape garden, so flowering plants in it are pleasing to the eye at any time of the year. The territory is divided into zones with plants from .

There are comfortable terrencours along the forest park zone, where guests of the sanatorium and all vacationers in Sovet-Kvadzha can travel. On a hot day in the arboretum you can take a break in the shade of sprawling oaks, breathe the aroma of heated fir needles, admire the green tangles of ivy, as well as make colorful photos of blooming violets and cyclamen. From each new turn of the garden path, the green zone looks different, and the arboretum never ceases to amaze with the skill of landscape designers and gardeners.


Opportunities for treatment and recovery

Many people come to the resort village with therapeutic and recovery purposes. Sanatoriums Sovet-Kvadzhe offer medical programs to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, relieve fatigue and stress, prevention of sensorineural hearing loss, improve immunity, weight loss and treatment of female ailments. Sanatorium “Pioneer” succeeded in anti-tuberculosis therapy, and sanatorium “Smena” specializes in cardio-rheumatology.


The most different diseases are treated with cryotherapy, pressotherapy, massage and healing mud applications. In the sanatorium “South” has its own water therapy and cedar miniparnaya. Restoration of health also help classes in the gym, physical therapy, long walks on foot, iodized sea air and swimming in the warm sea. In all adult and children’s sanatoriums Sovet-Kvadzhe a large place is given to heliotherapy and ward aerotherapy.


How to get there

Sovet-Kvadzhe is located on the territory of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi. Through it leads the federal highway A-147, so it is very convenient to get to the resort village by car. In the village itself the highway runs along Sibirskaya Street.


The nearest airport is located in Adler. From him to Sovet-Kvadzhe usually reach by cab. If there is a desire to use public transportation, then first from the airport you need to get to the railway station of Sochi, and from there go to Sovet-Kvadzhe by train. You need to get off at the platform “Change.”

Those who are accustomed to coming to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus by train, take tickets to the station “Tuapse” or “Lazarevskaya”. From the city of Tuapse, Sovet-Kvadzhe is separated by 18 km, and from Lazarevsky – 10 km. The two resorts are connected by regular bus service, so several times a day through Sovet-Kvadzhe pass shuttle buses to Tuapse and back. In addition, it is not difficult to get to the village by transit buses going to Sochi from Yalta, Stavropol, Krasnodar and other cities.
