Song Dong Cave (Sơn Đoòng)

Shondong Cave was discovered in Vietnam’s Quang Binh Province relatively recently, in 1991. The first scientific research confirming its gigantic size was carried out only 6 years ago. The measurements made by speleologists showed that the Malay Deer Cave, which was previously considered the largest in the world, will have to cede the palm of superiority to the new natural attraction. The site is located 250 meters above sea level in Phong Nha Kebang National Park, 70 kilometers west of the provincial capital Dong Hoi and about 500 kilometers south of Hanoi.


Video: Shondong Cave

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‘ History of the find

The belated introduction of the huge cave to the Vietnamese and world public is a great confirmation that we do not know everything about planet Earth. There are vague rumors that during the Vietnam War, Shondong was used as a safe bomb shelter, but the official year of discovery is 1991. It was then that a local man, trying to hide from the rain, ducked into a thicket and suddenly found himself in a cave of amazing size. He did not dare to go farther away from the entrance: an incomprehensible frightening noise was coming from inside. As it turned out later, it was made by the waters of the underground river.

For many years, the discoverer did not dare to return to the cave, and find it in the jungle was problematic, but in 2009 he became a guide for the British expedition speleologists. The first attempt was unsuccessful: the advancement was hampered by a calcite wall 60 meters high. The next year, the researchers found a way to overcome it, took all the measurements and announced a new world record.

Entrance to Shondong Cave” alt=””/>Shondong is the largest cave in the world
Natural light
Tent camp inside the cave

The underground world of Shondong

href=’/upload/iblock/9ff/son_doong_cueava.jpg” alt=””/>‘ Rare cave pearls have filled the terraces of a dried-up lake in Seongdong
Young stalagmites
A rest stop at the underground lake
Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
Terraces of the cave
Underground Lake
Huge gallery in Shondong Cave
Descending into the cave
Save Shondong T-shirts.