São Tomé Island

The island of São Tomé is the largest in the archipelago that forms the state of São Tomé and Principe. Its area is 854 km². About 150 thousand people live here, which is 96% of the country’s population. The island of São Tomé is located in the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean and, together with the adjacent islets of Cabras and Rolache, forms the province of São Tomé. The main attractions of the island are Kao Grande Peak and the Equator Monument, located directly on the equator. The capital city of São Tomé is located on the island. Nature has generously endowed these places: on the slopes of the mountains grow tropical forests, peach and citrus trees. On the coasts, at the mouths of the rivers there are mangrove forests, and in the coastal areas there are bananas, mangoes, almonds, cocoa tree, coconut palm, tropical giant oba tree, papaya, hine and breadfruit trees. Since 1990, the EU has sponsored a forest conservation program on São Tomé.
