Sagrada Familia (Sagrada Familia)

Sagrada Familia is a strikingly beautiful temple in Barcelona that is the main creation of Antoni Gaudi. The towers of the Sagrada Familia are clearly visible from afar: they rise above the many houses of the city. The famous architect devoted decades to creating the fantastic interiors and facades of the temple, but its construction is still unfinished.


Sagrada Familia is one of the world’s most famous long-buildings; it is currently scheduled to be finished by 2026. But the Spaniards are in no great hurry, as there is a legend that when the temple is finished, the end of the world will come.

Video: Sagrada Familia


The Sagrada Familia and the great Gaudi

Sculptures adorning the Shrine of the Holy Family
The Shrine of the Holy Family inside
‘ class=”fancybox” >Sagrada Familia at night

He was so passionate about the project that he settled right on the construction site to be able to create unhindered as well as supervise the work. Sometimes he would personally go out on the street to collect alms for the continued construction of the Sagrada Familia. The townspeople compared the growing cathedral to an anthill, caves, or a forest, but that was exactly what the artist intended.


Gaudi conceived a grandiose architectural complex, but he understood perfectly well that he would not have time to finish it in his lifetime. It was planned to erect three facades: Nativity, Passion and Glory. Only the first of them was built under the direct supervision of the architect. In 1892 work was begun on the facade of the Nativity, and a sufficiently detailed plan of the Passion side was ready only by 1923.


In 1926, at an advanced age, Gaudí died under the wheels of a streetcar, leaving behind almost no specific instructions or finished drawings. Sketches, drafts, and a few maquettes have survived. The management of the project went to his student and associate Domenec Sugranes, but he did not manage to complete the construction until the end of his life. In XX and XXI centuries over the temple managed to work three outstanding architects – Francesc Quintanu, Isidre Puch-Boada and Bonet Gary. All of them used Gaudi’s few surviving drawings, while realizing their own visions of the cathedral.

Video: What will the Sagrada Familia look like
