Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) is one of Venice’s most famous bridges; the place where most sightseeing tours of the main attractions begin and end. The Italian city is situated on 117 islands connected by more than half a hundred canals. More than 400 bridges cross these waterways, and among them the oldest, most beautiful and rich in historical events is the Rialto. Venetian gondoliers are sure to make a stop here. It is also convenient to start exploring the Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge. Many tourists even try to settle in apartments-hotels nearby, because only here you can feel the true atmosphere of this unique ancient city on the water.


Video: Rialto Bridge


Trades on the Rialto Bridge

View from the Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice

From the early history of the bridge

The Rialto drawbridge was built in the 13th year

During the suppression of the rebellion against the Doge, led by Bayamonte Tiepolo, in 1310, the bridge was badly burned, but was later rebuilt. At the beginning of the fifteenth century trading shops were put up along it. The rent was paid to the Treasury of Venice, and part of the income covered the maintenance of the bridge. In 1444 the structure collapsed. According to some sources, it could not withstand the crowd that rushed here to look at the bride of the Margrave of Ferrara, according to others – the cause was the popular boat parades, which gathered a huge number of spectators. By the way, the rowers’ races won the hearts of Venetians back in the XIII century, and fans very often arranged on the Rialto Bridge or on floating platforms and supported their favorites.

The Rialto Bridge in a painting by Francesco Guardi (18th century)

Two lively neighborhoods are separated by water at this point: San Polo and San Marco. Their representatives, according to eyewitnesses, feuded and often organized fist fights on the Rialto Bridge, because of which it finally collapsed. A new wooden bridge had to be built. A lifting mechanism was built into the structure to ensure the unobstructed passage of ships. The wood rotted and deteriorated due to constant contact with water. At the beginning of the XVI century the inhabitants constantly appealed to the rulers with a request to build a stone bridge. But because of the restoration of the Doge’s Palace, which was damaged by fire, the construction was once again postponed. Finally, when the old wooden structure collapsed in 1524, the Venetian government began to consider designs for a new bridge.



Along with the famous architects of the time – Palladio, Sansovino, Jacopo – even Michelangelo submitted his project. But surprisingly, the competition was won by a not very famous and already elderly architect Antonio de Ponte (the surname translates from Italian as “bridge”), who proved himself when restoring the Doge’s Palace after the fire.

Angel-shaped bas-relief on the Rialto Bridge
A lock left by lovers

Design Features

Stairs between the benches on the bridge
Stairs to the bridge


The nearby fish and food markets open at 8am. Cafes adjacent to the bridge offer coffee and snacks. In the souvenir shops on the bridge itself products are very expensive, but look for something: jewelry, leather goods, souvenirs. They can make a mask for you – for a fee, of course. About 7 thousand tourists pass through this place every day, so there are traffic jams. Watch your wallets, documents, be careful: pickpockets are operating on the bridge.


Now the Rialto Bridge is partially under restoration. The last time it was repaired about thirty years ago, but every year more than 20 million people pass through it, and the steps are covered with cracks. In 2011, several columns on the bridge railing collapsed. Most of the money was raised by patrons of the arts. The restoration is scheduled to be completed in 2016.
