Onega Lake
Lake Onega is a huge freshwater body of water in northwestern Russia. On the European continent, it is surpassed in area only by the neighboring Lake Ladoga. Three quarters of the vast water surface of Onega with its intricately rugged shoreline and islands have gone to Karelia. The remaining part is located on the territory of the Leningrad and Vologda regions. Travelers are attracted here by the ancient history of the region, the austere beauty of northern nature, the romance of summer white nights and the sparks of the northern lights that stream across the sky at the beginning of winter.

Video: Onega Lake
Contents- Highlights
- History of Lake Onega
- Geography and Nature
- Climate
- Protected Areas
Sights of Onega Lake - Beaches
- Active recreation
- Cuisine
- Where to stay
- Transportation

In recent decades, Prionezhye has turned from a remote “bear corner” into a popular tourist region. The beauties of untouched Karelian nature, biosphere reserves, historical and cultural monuments, ancient monasteries – all these treasures of Onega attract more and more travelers here. Guests find here excellent opportunities for active recreation – canoeing and sailing, rafting on the lake’s turbulent tributaries. You can go on a trip on an off-road vehicle through the inaccessible places of the Onega coast, go hiking or prefer fishing.
In the vicinity of Lake Onega there are sanatoriums, hotels and tourist bases, you can stay in cottages or in the private sector.
History of Lake Onega
Traces of the first settlements found on the shores of Lake Onega date back to the 4th millennium BC. Petroglyphs – rock carvings created by peoples who lived here about 4-6 thousand years ago – were discovered on the eastern shore. Several petroglyphs scratched in the rocks were first noticed by geologists from the University of Dorpat, who studied local rocks in the middle of the XIX century. Today, 24 groups of drawings are known on the 20-kilometer stretch, and scientists have documented a total of 1100 figures of people, animals, fish and birds. Among them are mysterious signs that cannot be deciphered.
.A large complex of archaeological monuments was revealed during the construction of navigable canals near the village of Povenets, Medvezhegorsk district.
In the early 18th century, rich ore deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Lake Onega. Peter the Great founded here the city of Petrozavodsk, which grew up around iron foundries and smelting facilities. By Peter’s decree began and large-scale work on the laying of navigable canals, culminating 250 years later in the creation of a grandiose waterway from the White and Baltic seas to the Volga..
During the Great Patriotic War, many hydraulic structures in the Onega Lake area were destroyed. The way from the Baltic to the southern regions of Russia was restored already in the first post-war decades.
Industry developed rapidly in the cities and towns of the Prionezhye region, utilizing the mineral resources and inexhaustible forest resources of the region. Since the 21st century, the economic balance of the lake region has increasingly shifted to the development of the tourist industry, and polluting industries have been phased out.

Geography and Nature
Lake Onega was formed at the same time as Ladoga due to radical climatic changes in Northern Europe. Huge basins were filled with meltwater from an ancient glacier that retreated far to the north about 12,000 years ago. The coastline of the reservoir, cut by many bays, coves and fjords, totals 1280 kilometers, and the water mirror of Onega has spilled over 9700 km².
.” alt=””/>‘ Lake Onega in winterProtected areas
At the mouth of the Svir River, on the right bank, the Nizhnesvirsky Reserve is located. It has 41,000 hectares under its protection, and part of the lake water area is also included in the protection zone. Beavers, gray geese, cranes, storks, waterfowl nesting here, almost destroyed by hunters and poachers, have reappeared in this area, in the coastal thickets of streams and rivers feeding Onega. And in total on the protected area in 2018, Russian ecologists counted 256 species of birds, 44 species of various animals.
Interestingly, the area of forests included in the territory of the park exceeds the total area of all forest lands in foreign Europe. Specialists of the park back in the early 90’s developed their own system of ecotourism and for the first time offered such “green travel” to Russians. In 2001, UNESCO experts awarded this national park the prestigious status of biosphere reserve.
.Sights of Onega Lake
The main attraction of Lake Onega is the complex of monastery buildings on the island of Kizhi, where there are 89 stone and wooden structures erected between the 15th and 19th centuries. Some of them were brought from other islands. For example, an old village blacksmith’s shop was brought from the island of Suisar, it was added to the exposition of the open-air museum. Orthodox monasteries operate here, the whole territory of the island is under the jurisdiction of the State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Reserve. Since 1990 the ensemble of wooden constructions of the Kizhi Pogost of the XVIII-XIX centuries has been included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Some objects of the museum are located on the nearby islands, and boat excursions are organized to them.

In Kondopoga, listen to the musical shimmers of 23 bronze bells suspended from an arched carillon. Not so long ago in this town you could admire a rare monument of Russian wooden architecture – the Church of the Assumption, built on the shore of the lake in 1774. The hipped roof of the church, topped with a bronze cross, rose to 42 meters. Unfortunately, in the summer of 2018 there was a fire in the church, the fire destroyed the building. Now local local historians are discussing the possibility of its restoration, because all the architectural details of the church are fixed on numerous videos and photos.
.On the island of Maly Kolgostrov, belonging to the Vodlozero National Park, preserved log structures Ilyinsky pogost XVIII-XIX centuries – a beautiful church, bell tower, outbuildings. Now there is a men’s monastery there. On Sundays monks serve divine liturgy. On these days to listen to the sermon and solemn chants here comes especially many pilgrims and tourists.
Near the village of Storozhno in the Volkhov district at 76 meters rises the tower of the Storozhensky lighthouse, built on a high stone promontory at the beginning of the last century. Flashes of its bright beams can be seen by navigators of ships at a distance of 22 nautical miles. A spiral staircase of 399 steep steps leads to the top of the tower. Among similar constructions this lighthouse is the second highest in Russia.
.Interesting sights are located in Petrozavodsk.

Locals joke that on the beaches of Lake Onega in July they don’t swim yet, and in August they don’t swim anymore. Nevertheless, in summer on the shores of the lake you can see quite a few beachgoers. The water, warmed up in shallow waters up to +18 °С, is considered quite comfortable for swimming here.

One of the best beaches in Petrozavodsk you will find on Onezhskaya embankment, opposite the Ferris wheel. Here is clean, annually sprinkled sand. True, there are no sun beds or changing rooms.
Not a bad beach is near the sanatorium “White Keys”. At 16 km from the city is equipped with a beach Lososinnoye. Near the shore is shallow, the water warms up well. You can get there by bus or cab.
.A secluded sandy beach with a gentle bottom is located near the village of Matkachi in the Prionezhsky district. Motorists will easily find on the coast and other suitable places for swimming and picnics. Be sure to bring a mosquito repellent, insects are especially active during the weather days.
Active vacation
Rafting enthusiasts, horseback riding fans, mountaineers, mushroom hunters, and, of course, gambling fishermen go to Lake Onega for impressions.
In Onega Lake there are all kinds of fish species typical for Karelia, and there are about fifty of them. The desired catch will be sterlet, stud, catfish, pike, pike, yaz. A weighty burbot is an honorable trophy. But there are also long-established “aliens” in the lake. Few people know that back in Soviet times ichthyologists brought here trout from Lake Sevan in Armenia. Omul from Lake Baikal also feels at home here.
In the third decade of July, the Onega Sailing Regatta is held in the waters of the lake. In multi-day competitions, cruising yachts cover up to 500 nautical miles. In 2018, 40 sailing yachts participated in the competition. Yacht captains from anywhere in the country can join this open Russian championship. In addition, the Onega Regatta includes youth rowing dinghy competitions, spectacular demonstration races along the embankment of Petrozavodsk, watched by thousands of tourists and citizens. The regatta is accompanied by an entertaining coastal program, last year during the days of yachtsmen’s competitions the capital of Karelia hosted the music festival “Big Gathering on Onego”.


Try, for example, an unusual Karelian winter soup from dried fish trifle. There is a recipe for even more exotic Vepsian soup from sour fish with pine buds. This dish is flavored with rye flour, chicken eggs are beaten into a bowl, and milk is added. In summer Karelian housewives make soup from whitefish or other delicacy fresh catch. Local mushroom soups, baked turnips are very tasty. Instead of bread they offer rye pie filled with fish, barley groats, mashed potatoes. For the second course you will be served pancakes with baked fish caviar under lingonberry sauce, and as an appetizer – salted salty salmonberries. Dessert will be berries, oatmeal kissel and hot herbal tea.
.Where to stay
A good choice of hotels of all categories is offered to tourists in Petrozavodsk.
In Medvezhegorsk budget tourists should pay attention to the hotel “Onezhskaya”, the cost of accommodation – from 900 rubles per room. More comfortable accommodation is offered by the hotel “Provence” – from 2500 rubles. In the picturesque environs of the city guests will find “Chelmuzhskaya Estate” with the cost of a room from 9000 rubles per day.
On the shores of Lake Onega and on the islands are many small campgrounds that offer cozy log cabins, boat rentals and equipment for fishing.
.Travelers who prefer ecotourism, on the territory of the national park “Vodlozersky” await 80 locations with guest houses, bathhouses, equipped kitchens and barbecues in the open air. Many of them have berths for boats, others are located in a picturesque forest. The park is closed to outside cars, but there is private transportation for excursions to remote corners of the reserve.

Excursion routes to various attractions of Lake Onega are also available in Kondopoga.
.The main transportation hub on Lake Onega is the city of Petrozavodsk. Here there is an airport, railway and bus stations, passenger river port. Read about how to get to Petrozavodsk from Moscow and St. Petersburg in detail here.