Nikola Tesla Museum

Nikola Tesla Museum is a unique institution of science and culture in Yugoslavia and in the world. It is the only museum in the world that preserves Nikola Tesla’s original and personal legacy, as well as having so many original documents and personal belongings of the scientist. The museum contains blueprints, personal letters, photographs, patents, diaries and journals about his life and even an urn with his ashes.


Video: Nikola Tesla Museum


The Nikola Tesla Museum owns several collections of exceptional value: more than 160,000 original documents, more than 2,000 books and journals, more than 1,200 historical technical exhibits, more than 1,500 photographs and original photographic plate prints of technical objects, tools and apparatus, more than 1,000 plans and drawings.


The museum preserves the world’s most extensive collection of documents relating to Nikola Tesla’s life and work. It therefore plays an essential role in providing access to information for researchers in the history of science, inventions and patent law. As well as for environmental projects and the study of clean energy sources.


A special role of the Museum is to organize, support and promote research from the history of science that could help to better understand Tesla’s contribution to the development of science and engineering in the late 19th and early 20th century.


For travelers

Address: 51 Krunska Street.

Opening hours: The Nikola Tesla Museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 15:00. The museum is closed on Mondays.

Cost: The ticket price with experiments is 500 dinars (about 4 euros).


Official website: