The MuseumsQuartier is a small town within the city, but it was once home to the Habsburg stables.
The stables, built by court architect Fischer von Erlach in the early 18th century, have been turned into modern art galleries and cafes that feel very cozy within the ancient baroque walls. This is not just an exhibition center – it is a cultural and social center where artists and young people socialize almost round the clock (coffee shops and dance clubs close at 4.00 am). In spring and summer, people gather by the thousands in the courtyard cafes, and many do not intend to visit the main museums at all. In September 2001, two of the newest and most important contemporary art museums in Europe opened here: the Museum of Modern Art ( and the Leopold Museum ( There is also a children’s center (Kindermuseum) in the Museums Quartier.. Museums Quartier, Museumsplatz, 1. Tel: 523-58-81. Open: 10.00-19.00. U2: Museumsquartier; U3: Volkstheater.