Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology

Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology is the largest private museum in Russia and one of the largest in Europe, exhibiting unique examples of vintage machinery. Located in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, not far from the Arkhangelskoye estate, it attracts not only true fans and connoisseurs of antique machines for various purposes, but also ordinary tourists who are not indifferent to history and want to touch its most vivid and original pages.


Video: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology


General information

The rich collection of retro cars, motorcycles, military and agricultural equipment of the last century, covering the period of 30-80s, collected in the museum, impresses even sophisticated visitors. Even if not all the cars are on the move, but after repair and restoration they look perfect. In addition, there are various samples of air vehicles – airplanes and helicopters, as well as small arms. Moreover, the museum collection includes not only models produced in the Soviet Union, but also foreign models. All this invaluable splendor, with more than 1000 units of storage, is located on a huge territory of 3.5 hectares and is constantly replenished with new exhibits.


Museum of machinery Vadim Zadorozhny – is not just a place where antique machinery is collected, which you can come and look at. It is a whole scientific and cognitive center that conducts active research and expeditionary activities. Exhibits of the museum are regularly involved in military-historical reconstructions timed to coincide with certain important dates and events, including the annual reconstruction of the military parade held on Red Square in Moscow on November 7, 1941.


The museum has office and administrative premises, a large archive, it has its own library and even a separate guarded parking lot. There is also its own restaurant complex, including two restaurants, “Museum” and “Grand Prix”, and a real field kitchen, which has become its trademark. It is worth mentioning separately the restoration workshops that this institution has at its disposal: it is on their basis that the old equipment acquires that bright, beautiful and without exaggeration noble look that visitors never tire of admiring and admiring. Excursions with a rich program, rides around the territory on retro cars and armored vehicles and even master classes on assembly and disassembly of the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle and much more are organized for them. We can say with good reason that staying at the Museum of Technology Vadim Zadorozhny is interesting and exciting, and the charge of emotions received here will stay with you for a long time!


Who is Vadim Zadorozhny?


Before telling in more detail about the museum, its history, formation and excursion programs, it would be right to introduce our readers to its founder, ideological inspirer and owner, the man without whom it would never have taken place.


Vadim Zadorozhny was born in 1961 in Ukraine, in Transcarpathia. They lived in a quiet and cozy Uzhgorod. His mother worked as a nurse, and his father, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a member of the partisan movement in the Vinnitsa region, all his life was a driver. After the war he drove a motor car, then moved to a ZIS-5. At the end of the 50s as a freelancer he found himself in the GDR, in Magdeburg, where he managed the garage of the counterintelligence department. From him, his love of technology was passed on to his son. Vladimir in one of his interviews recalls how as a child sat on his father’s lap and at first could only reach the white ebonite steering wheel, and then began to reach the pedals.


After graduating from school, Zadorozhny decided to enroll in the Lviv Higher Military and Political School. But at the very last moment changed his mind and took the documents. His act explained by the fact that the mind is still a humanitarian, in school was fascinated by literature, especially the work of poets of the Silver Age – White, Gumilev, Akhmatova, Severyaninov, Anninsky, so suddenly realized that he is not ready to connect his whole life with the army. Vladimir loved French literature, read works by Sandrar, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Apollinaire. His parents, according to his memories, had a good home library, and this despite the fact that they were ordinary laborers, representatives of the so-called peasant intelligentsia, and had nothing to do with “bohemia”. However, in Soviet times, books were loved and appreciated even by ordinary people, and they bought them not to fill the shelves in the closet, but to read.


Having never become a cadet of the military school, V. Zadorozhny went into the army. In the first year he served on the border with Romania, and then, just before the Olympics-80, he and his coworkers were redeployed to Kiev, where they guarded the international airport “Borispol”. The future creator of the Museum of Technology recalls his military service with warmth. He did not encounter hazing or anything similar, and he still maintains relations with some of his army comrades. About Vadim’s character, his values and attitude to people can be judged by one, but very eloquent fact: for more than fifty years he has been friends with Mikhail Maltz, with whom they went to kindergarten together. Together they were drafted into the army, the friends went through the same “training”, and then Mikhail was sent to serve on the border with Poland. They met after the “demobel” and never lost sight of each other again.

In 1981, Zadorozhny entered the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute (MOPI) named after N. K. Krupskaya (now – Moscow State Regional University). Here fate brought him together with young metropolitan poets and writers. Vadim himself spent a lot of time on creative work, many poems and stories came out from under his pen, but his works were not published anywhere. He says that he just wanted to test his literary abilities. As a student, he worked part-time, not neglecting any work. He was a janitor, a loader, a fireman and a watchman. He remembers sweeping the Maly Bronnaya Street. He always remembers how he loaded frozen beef carcasses – though cut in half, but still very heavy. Dragging frozen piles of meat, working practically without breaks, is not the easiest and simplest thing to do. “In the morning, you fall off your feet from fatigue,” he said. – But in the pocket of 40 honestly earned rubles – a large amount for those times!”


In the Institute V. Zadorozhny studied well, he was paid an increased scholarship, and two years was even Lenin scholarship. After college five years he worked at school, taught history, was deputy director of educational work. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vadim’s quiet and measured life as a simple school teacher ended. Another began, in a new reality. Always fond of antiques Zadorozhny decided to turn his hobby into a profession. He opened in Moscow, first one salon, then the second, the third. Worked in the most different directions, starting from books and engravings and ending with painting and porcelain. Antique – a profession interesting, fascinating, but not tolerating a superficial approach. In order to grow in it, to become a qualified specialist, it may take at least 10-15 years. Vadim studied systematically, absorbed the experience of professionals and worthily passed this difficult path, the crowning achievement of which was the creation of the Museum of Technology, which rightfully bears the name of its founder.


History of the Museum of Technology

Vadim Zadorozhny came up with the idea of creating the Museum of Technology after visiting in 1999 the “Auto Exotica” car exhibition held every year in Tushino. There he met a group of enthusiasts who were restoring a BMW DA3 Wartburg automobile manufactured in the early 30s of the last century. He volunteered to help the restorers and restored the antique car in about ten months. Inspired by the result, Zadorozhny decided to purchase several more pre-war BMWs for restoration. Thus, by the end of 2000 Vadim already had five restored vintage cars in his possession.


Gradually the collection increased, and for its storage needed premises. At the same time Zadorozhny had like-minded people who helped him in everything. By common efforts was created “Club of convertibles and roadsters”. It became the predecessor of the future museum. A small abandoned field near the Arkhangelskoye estate was chosen to house the collection. There was nothing on it but meter-long burdocks, which grew all over the territory, and towers of power lines.


On April 15, 2006, the foundation stone of the new six-story building of the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum was ceremonially laid. Construction was completed two years later, and on April 12, 2008, the Day of Cosmonautics, a large-scale two-level exposition of antique equipment was opened to the public. It included both rare pre-war cars and motorcycles, samples of various military equipment, weapons, as well as airplanes. Discussing further prospects, it was decided to create Russia’s first technical museum in accordance with international standards. According to the project, the future museum should have not only premises for the collection and equipped with all necessary restoration workshops, but also have its own service center for retro cars, not to mention an office, library and even a restaurant. Over time, everything planned was successfully realized, and our country received a world-class Museum of Technology, which can rightfully be proud of.


Over the years of its existence, the museum has expanded significantly. In 2012, Vadim Zadorozhny, talking about the dynamics of the development of his brainchild, asked not to put obstacles to him, noting that the institution created by him for 12 military-historical aircraft pays to the state treasury transport tax in the amount of 4.5 million rubles a year. “If we are not hindered, we will build the best museum in Europe,” Zadorozhny emphasized. And more: on the territory of the museum complex is the Voenfilm film studio, which he created in cooperation with the famous Soviet and Russian actor and director Igor Ugolnikov.”


Museum exposition

The main building exhibits samples of not only Soviet, but also German, French, Italian and American cars of pre-war production. We would like to highlight the 1908 Holsman horseless carriage, which is the first car in Russia, and the first Soviet car ZIS-115, created especially for the “leader of the peoples” Joseph Stalin and additionally protected by hidden armor. No less attention should be paid to the Delahaye 135 CC “Bluebird”, which was driven by the legendary French racer of the 30s René Dreyfus, and the Mercedes-Benz 770K, also known as “Führerwagen”, which was at the disposal of the top military command of Hitler’s Germany. Smaller airplanes are also on display in the main building, some operated during World War I (1914-1918) and others in the interwar period, until the beginning of World War II (1918-1939).


In the main museum building one can see unique collections of Soviet and German motorcycles. The former includes samples of products of the Izhmash plant (Izhevsk, Udmurtia), produced before the Great Patriotic War. The main building exhibits, among others, airplanes exhibited in the museum of the Yakovlev Design Bureau, which was later closed. Among them one can see the AIR-1 airplane, the very first one created by the famous Soviet aircraft designer Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev, and the last surviving YAK-15.


Tourists do not ignore the alley of military equipment, which literally mesmerizes with the variety of its exhibits. There is nothing here but combat aircraft, tanks, helicopters, anti-tank guns, self-propelled artillery, multiple rocket launchers, howitzers, and entire anti-aircraft missile systems. Of the samples of “peaceful” equipment on the street exposition can be seen antique trucks and copies of the very first tractors.


Excursions and events

At the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Machinery visitors plunge into a very special, unique and fascinating world of machines. Each of its exhibits is exclusive and has its own history. Excursions are conducted as overview (1 hour 30 minutes) and thematic (50 minutes). They are designed for a wide audience: adults, schoolchildren, people with disabilities. There are excursion programs in English as well.


The guides will tell about the formation of the Soviet, European and American automobile industry and answer all questions, even the most unexpected ones. All this new knowledge, which the guides give, further fuel the keen interest in antique machinery, with which people, including specialists, come to the museum. Excursions should be booked in advance, which is a prerequisite. Additionally it is possible to order meals for group participants. The cost of an adult ticket on weekdays is 500 rubles. Schoolchildren, full-time university students, pensioners, disabled people of I and II groups pay 300 rubles. The same cost is the entrance to the territory without visiting the internal exposition.


As for the cost of the excursions themselves, it varies depending on the type. So, a thematic excursion for a group of 5 people will cost 1000 rubles, and that’s without taking into account the price of admission tickets. A sightseeing tour is more expensive – 2000 rubles. If the group is from 6 to 15 people, the payment will be, respectively, 2000 and 4000 rubles. From 16 to 25 people – 3000 and 6000 rubles, respectively. English-speaking excursions are organized by prior order.


Among the additional services should be highlighted “Riding on the technique”, namely the best cars of the last century on the territory of the museum complex accompanied by a driver. Even children up to 12 years old are allowed, but only together with adults. The cost of the service (it is available only on weekends and holidays) is 350 rubles per person. Children under 4 years old ride for free.


Visitors can take part in the assembly and disassembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most common small arms in the world (AK-47 is in service with the armies of no less than 55 countries). The service will cost 250 rubles per person. This fascinating master class will give adults an opportunity to remember the forgotten experience of handling military weapons, and children from 10 years old – to acquire new skills. Recall that according to the standards of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation assembly-disassembly “kalash” is 15-25 seconds. Schoolchildren are given a little more time, from 18 to 30 seconds, during primary military training lessons. In the warm season the young visitors are offered a free bicycle rental service. You can also celebrate your birthday here. At the museum there is a school of young masters, where children are engaged in auto and aircraft modeling.


Very popular among visitors held in the Museum of Technology Vadim Zadorozhny quest, consisting of 10-15 tasks, which are given one hour to complete. To solve them, you can’t do it with logic alone, you will have to look for the necessary information in the exhibits, their information plates (labeling) and technical characteristics. It will be necessary to analyze and features of a design of automobiles. The quest is equally suitable for the whole family and school groups. To raise the competitive spirit, you can divide into teams. The culmination of the quest will be the unraveling of the secret code. All participants are given memorable prizes with museum symbols. Participation is not free, per person – 450 rubles.


Museum of machinery Vadim Zadorozhny does not stay away from public holidays. So, on June 12, the Day of Russia, was prepared an interesting program for the whole family: riding on children’s pedal cars and retro cars, a master class in the foundry workshop to make souvenirs from tin, helicopter flight with breathtaking turns, aquagrim, noise shooting gallery, children’s rides from the USSR. Other mass events are also held in the institution – for example, the festival “Technics of Sports”, which includes performances of stars of power extreme, cyber battle from WarThunder on the most high-performance gaming laptops, exhibition of sports cars and auto sound and much more.


Opening hours, how to get there

The Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology is located at the following address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, settlement Arkhangelskoye, Ilyinskoye highway, page #9. On weekdays it works from 10:00 to 19:00, on weekends and holidays – from 10:00 to 21:00, the day off is Monday.


You can get to the museum from Moscow by buses and shuttle buses № 151, 541, 549 and 568. Departure is from the metro station “Tushinskaya”, you need to go to the stop “Lipovaya Alley.”


You can also get there by shuttle bus Strogino-Zakharkovo, departing from metro station “Strogino”.
