Mombacho Volcano

Mombacho Volcano is a stratovolcano in Nicaragua, 10 kilometers from the city of Granada. The volcano and the surrounding area belongs to a nature reserve. Due to the amazing flora, fauna and striking views, the volcano is very popular. At the top there is a tourist center. The volcano is not high 1344 meters above sea level, but despite this it is clearly visible from the surrounding towns.


Although Mombacho is an active volcano, the last time it was active was in 1570. Almost all year round, the summit is covered in dense clouds, giving it 100% humidity.


National Park

Mombacho Volcano looks like an evergreen mountain in the middle of the dry tropics. At its foothills is a lush forest with huge varieties of bromeleaves, orchids and other kinds of flowers. There are about 160 species of birds, there are animals of the feline genus and snakes. And all because this is not an ordinary park – but a cloud forest. It’s always wet at the top and the moisture gives life to the evergreens. The forest is so saturated with water that all the trees and bushes are overgrown with moss and bromeleaves.


If you decide to visit the park in your car, remember, only 4×4 vehicles are allowed on its territory, and all because the road to the volcano is very steep and a normal car will not get there. If you visit the park on your own, you have two options: go from the entrance to the park to the tourist center (from where the tracks start on the volcano) on foot (which is 5 km.) or take a transfer for $ 15 per person in both directions.


Once you arrive at the top of the volcano, you have the opportunity to walk on three cloud forest trails:

  • The first trail, Sendero El Crater, is the easiest. It is a 1.5 km track, on which you will spend 1.5 hours, see 4 viewpoints, look into fumaroles and can walk through a lava tunnel. A guide is not needed for this trail.
  • The second trail is Sendero El Tigrillo. This is a 2.5 km moderately difficult trail on which you will see 8 viewpoints, beautiful scenery and unique flora and fauna. You will spend about 2.5 hours. A guide is needed for this trail.
  • The third trail Sendero El Puma, it is also the most difficult. It is a 4 km trek through the forest on the way which you will meet about 8-9 viewpoints on the craters and surrounding areas. In good weather you will see Ometepe Island, the south coast, Zapateras Island, the smoking Masaya Volcano and just great views. A guide is required for this trail.

Stepping off the trails is not recommended. Danger is not only the inhabitants of local places, but also fumaroles – holes in the ground through which hot volcanic steam escapes. You should walk on special paths to avoid falling into the hole.

How to get there

Volcano Mombacho is located not far from the city of Granada, from where there is a bus to it. The fare is 10 cordobas ($0.5$). It is also possible to take from Granada, which will cost about 8$.


From the volcano turnoff to the entrance of the national park, you can walk (1.5 km) or take a tuk-tuk for 10-15 cordobas. Once you have entered the park you need to get to the top, from where the cloud forest tours start. You can walk (5 km uphill) or take a shuttle for $15 per person.


When leaving back, remember that the last bus leaves at 6pm. A tuk-tuk from the national park to the Granada market will cost about 100 cordobas.


Entrance to Mombacho National Park

  • Adult – $5 per person
  • Child – $3
  • .
  • If you drive your car in, it’s another +22$

There is a campground within the park where you can stay for $20. There is also a Zip Line and a cafeteria where you can have a cup of local coffee. There is a butterfly garden and an orchid garden at the entrance to the park.
