Marble mountain

Marble Mountains are five limestone and marble hills located 10 kilometers from the airport of the Vietnamese city of Da Nang. The picturesque mountains are famous among Vietnamese and foreign tourists for their beautiful landscapes, ancient caves and Buddhist temples.

When the sea stretched around, the five hills were small islands. Then the seawater receded and the plain became the uplands, the tops of which are now covered with lush tropical vegetation. Each mountain has its own name – a hill of Fire, Water, Earth, Metal and Wood. Marble used to be mined here, but in order to preserve the natural attractions, the mining stopped. Today, small statuettes and crafts made of marble are sold to tourists right on the slope of the mountain.


Caves and temple complexes

There are several places in the Marble Mountains that all travelers try to visit. One of the most colorful is the Am Phu Cave, dedicated to Hell and Paradise. Its entrance is decorated with skillfully carved marble figures, and neat benches await tired tourists.


After entering, visitors are led to sculptures representing Purgatory. Then they pass by Hell, Paradise, an altar with Buddha statuettes and go up to a small temple on the observation deck, from where there is a magnificent view of the coast.


Of particular interest to travelers is the highest of the hills, Thủy Sơn. It also has observation decks from where you can see the vast turquoise sea, sandy beaches, small villages and a highway along the coast. On the mountain are Buddhist temples and buildings where the monks live.

Inside Thủy Sơn Hill, there are large underground cavities equipped for tourists. Van Thong cave is famous for the bats hanging on the walls. It is wide at the beginning and becomes noticeably narrower after the hall with the altar. The most spacious cave of Huyen Khong Hill has holes in the vault, so it is illuminated by the sun. In the depth of this cave, there is a white statue of a seated Buddha.


Tourist Information

There are several ancient caves and Buddhist temples in the Marble Mountains. The grounds are open daily from 7:00 to 17:30. The entrance fee to visit the highest hill, Thủy Sơn, is 15,000 VND. For the same money, the mountain can be climbed by elevator. Hiking enthusiasts reach the top of the hill via a wide staircase. Parking is paid and costs VND10,000.


The area of the natural attraction is quite large, requiring at least three hours to explore on your own.


To make hiking in the Marble Mountains comfortable, tourists should wear comfortable sports shoes and bring a supply of drinking water. On the mountain sell drinks and snacks, but the prices are designed for tourists, that is, 1.5-2 times higher than in ordinary stores. Before climbing up, you should buy a map or take a photo of the scheme of routes.


The Vietnamese themselves like to come to the Marble Mountains. Especially large influx of travelers in these places happens on weekends and holidays. Marble souvenirs are traded here, and if you skillfully bargain, sellers can reduce prices by 2-3 times.


How to get there

The Marble Mountains are located near the Vietnamese city of Da Nang. The hills are not difficult to reach by cab, rented motorcycle or shuttle bus that runs from Da Nang to Hoiyang. The bus route runs along the beach, so you can simply ask the driver to stop in front of the Marble Hills.
