Lermontovo settlement

Lermontovo is a resort village on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, part of the recreational area of the city of Tuapse. Lermontovo, which is more often called “Lermontovka”, stands on the coast of Tenginskaya Bay, near the mouth of the Shapsukho River. The village is 5 km away from Dzhubga and 50 km from Tuapse.

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Families with children and car tourists prefer to stay in Lermontovo. The reason is that the resort place is located on the federal highway M27, on the coast there are many comfortable sandy-pebble beaches, and also in Lermontovo there is a modern infrastructure and a sufficient number of entertainments. The peculiarity of this part of the Krasnodar Territory – a lot of campsites, offering those who came to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus the most democratic and inexpensive rest.


To receive tourists in Lermontovo opened the namesake sanatorium, boarding houses, modern comfortable hotels and many private mini-hotels and guest houses. It is convenient that the entire housing stock of the village is located near the sea. Almost all hotels have their own cafes, bars and swimming pools. Everywhere you can order transfers and excursions, use safes and free Internet access.


If you want more silence and save a little on accommodation, you should pay attention to the housing, which is located away from the Novorossiysk highway (highway M27). On the outskirts of Lermontovo prefer to settle those who do not like noise in the evenings. However, even from the farthest part of the resort village walk to the sea does not take much time.


In Lermontovo there are several cafes and canteens, and their prices are much lower than Sochi’s. There are grocery stores, pharmacies, tents selling resort goods and souvenirs. During the summer tourist season, a large water park and night discos are open for vacationers. In addition to beach recreation, tourists coming to Lermontovo tourists are on excursions, hiking in the foothills, explore local attractions during sea and horseback riding, as well as tours on jeeps and ATVs.


History of Lermontovo village

The coastal village is named in honor of the famous Russian poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, who had the rank of lieutenant of the 77th Tengin Infantry Regiment. The military unit of the Russian Army as part of the I Caucasus Corps was stationed in the fort built near the mouth of Shapsukho in 1838. However, the poet himself in this place of the coast has never been.


The village received its name in 1958. Nowadays Lermontovo permanently lives about 1200 people, and during the holiday season the number of residents increases by 5-10 times due to the arrival of tourists.


Geographical location and climate

The streets of the village of Lermontovo are built in the valley of the Shapsukho River. This river is notable for the fact that, unlike most Caucasian rivers, it has its mouth open to the sea all year round. Even during strong storms it never grows pebble ramparts. Shapsukho is born on the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range and before flowing into the Black Sea makes its way more than 40 kilometers.

The resort village of Lermontovo is located on the border of mild Mediterranean climate and humid Russian subtropics. The average daily temperature in winter is +8 ° C. The cold season accounts for the bulk of precipitation.


At the height of summer in Lermontovo can be quite hot +29 … +31 ° C, but fresh sea breezes and winds blowing in the evenings from the mountains, allow you to feel good even those who can not tolerate the heat or have problems with the heart and blood vessels.


The first bathers in Lermontovo appear in late May, and in mid-June the sea water warms up to a comfortable +21…+22 ° C, so long swims dare and adults and children. The Black Sea reaches its temperature maximum (+24 °С) in July, during the peak of the tourist season. Swim in Lermontovo until the end of September, as the sea water, having gained heat over the summer, cools down gradually.


Central beach Lermontovo

The main beach of Lermontovo stretches for half a kilometer east of the valley of the Shapsukho River and has a width of 30 to 50 meters. On the residential side it is bounded by the busy Novorossiyskoye highway, from the east – the beach of the sanatorium “Lermontovo”, and from the west – the beach area belonging to the auto-camping.


The central beach is covered with pebbles mixed with coarse sand, and it is almost always crowded. Especially many vacationers come to sunbathe and swim in July, August and early fall. Less people are in the afternoon and evening.


Due to the large number of people, the sea in the area of the municipal beach is not particularly clean. In addition, in early summer near the shore there is a change of underwater current, and the water becomes turbid for natural reasons. Nevertheless, guests of the village of Lermontovo like that the entrance to the water on the central beach is gentle, the depth increases gradually, and the seabed does not have pits and potholes.


On the beach there is a developed system of services. There is everything you need for a comfortable vacation – changing rooms, showers, toilets, comfortable awnings from the sun, as well as rental of sun beds and umbrellas. On the seafront you can buy food and drinks, beach towels and swimsuits. Those who want not only to sunbathe and swim, can rent a hydro scooter, parachute behind a speedboat or ride the waves on a “banana” and “pill”.


Golden Beach

Due to the fact that the municipal beach can be very crowded, many resort-goers prefer to spend their time elsewhere. From early in the morning they are poisoned in the beach zone “Golden Coast”, which is spread between the village of Lermontovo and Novomikhailovka. “Golden Coast” has a length of 1.5-2 km and a width of up to 50 meters.


The road to it takes only 3-5 minutes by car (4 km). To get to the beach can be both by private car, and shuttle buses going towards Novomikhailovka.


“Golden Coast” is considered hardly the most comfortable recreation area on the entire Black Sea coast. Unlike most of the local pebble beaches, the seashore here is covered with pure yellow sand, which comes naturally from the valley of the Sekua River. In places, the sand is crisscrossed by small areas of finely rolled pebbles. Vacations on sandy beaches are favored by parents with children, the elderly, and those who have difficulty walking on pebbles for health reasons.


Compared to other beaches in Lermontovo, the sea water on the “Golden Coast” is much cleaner. As on the central beach for visiting the “Golden Coast” do not have to pay, so in the summer months it is also a lot of vacationers. Lifeguards are constantly on duty on the beach. For kids there is a shallow pool with inflatable slides, in which children can safely swim when the sea rises too big waves.


“Zolotoy Bereg” has the same set of beach services as the central beach of Lermontovo. In addition, there is a catamaran rental, and the beach is adjacent to the territory of auto-camping.



Just 200 meters from the municipal beach is a very popular with guests of Lermontovo water park “Chernomor” (Lenina Street, 18). This center of water entertainment begins to receive visitors on June 1 and completes its work in mid-September. It is equipped with spacious pools with fresh water, sauna, various water slides, a place where you can sunbathe comfortably, and a play area for children. The water park is open any day from 10.00 to 20.00. Children under the age of 5 are free of charge.

In the evening, youth companies prefer to spend time at discos at the cafe or in the night club “One Night Club”, which is located in the center of the resort village (Novorossiyskoye Highway, 1B). The entertainment center is equipped with modern light and music equipment and offers its visitors daily parties, as well as a large selection of European, Italian and Japanese cuisine. The club is open from 10 p.m. in the evening to 5 a.m.


From the tourist base “Eagle Rock”, which is located above Lermontovo in the valley of the Shapsukho River, conduct interesting horseback tours along the spurs of the Caucasus Mountains. Travel routes are laid along picturesque forests and flowering alpine meadows. During them you can see many beautiful landscapes, endemic Caucasian plants, ancient dolmens and the rock “Burkhan.”

In Lermontovo works quad bikes rental and organized tours on jeeps. Such trips allow you to see many interesting natural attractions: picturesque valleys of mountain rivers, Eagle Rock, waterfalls, Wish Tree and Hercules Stone.


In the neighboring village of Novomikhailovka year-round open track for motocross, where there are spectacular competitions and training for fans of motorcycles. Both adults and children can ride on the track. In summer it is open from 10.00 to 21.00, and in winter from 10.00 to 18.00.


Excursions around Lermontovo

In 4 km above Lermontovo in the valley of the river Shapsukho stands the village of Tenginka, surrounded on all sides by forest and mountains. The history of this settlement begins in the times of the Caucasian War (the middle of the XIX century), and today there are more than 2000 people living here. After the garrison of the Russian army, Armenians came to the village and for some time it was even called “Armenian”. Nowadays, Armenians make up more than half of all the residents of Tenginka.


Very close to the village are beautiful Tenginskiye waterfalls. The gravel road from the Armenian Church of the Holy Dormition leads directly to the picturesque gorge. The two waterfalls are not far from each other, and between them there is a good walking path along the slope of the gorge. The largest waterfall is about 15 meters high. The sides of the narrow gorge are compressed by layered rocks, and shallow grotto caves can be seen next to the streams of flying water. The gorge can be traversed on foot and on a small bicycle-canal road. Near the waterfalls you can swim in the emerald lake, have a snack in a cafe, ride horses and ride an all-terrain vehicle to the mountain Pliaho (618 m). In summer time the entrance to the Tenginskie waterfalls is paid.


Tuapse region is rich in natural monuments. In half a day from Lermontovo you can get to the rock Kiseleva and beautiful Cape Kadosh, which are located to the west of the city of Tuapse. From the resort village they also organize bus trips to the waterfalls in Melnichnaya Slit and in the valley of the river Tesheshs, to the Museum of the Whims of the Forest in Dzhubga and to Inal Bay.


A longer trip will allow you to see a unique complex of 33 waterfalls, located in the valley of the Shakhe River in the Sochi National Park. Excursion to the valley of the Ashe River is no less popular among vacationers. During it, in addition to waterfalls, there is a visit to Adygean villages, where tourists are given to taste delicious honey, Adygean cheese and homemade wine, and show a show with national dances.


Lermontovo is also taken on long-distance tours to Abkhazia, the hero-city of Novorossiysk and the Abrau-Durso winery.


Public transportation

The bus station in Lermontovo is located in the center of the village, on the Novorossiysk highway. All buses running here are passing through. Buses connecting Dzhubga and Tuapse (11-12 trips daily), Sochi and Stavropol (on odd numbers), Tuapse and Tenginka (twice a day) pass through the village bus station.


How to get there

It is very convenient to get to Lermontovo by car. The resort village lies on the federal highway linking Dzhubga and Sochi (M27), and from Krasnodar the road to it takes about two hours.


From the international airport in Adler to Lermontovo there is a bus and shuttle bus number 105K. And from Sochi’s bus station and train station, Lermontovo can be reached by bus and route cab No. 155.


The nearest railway station to Lermontovo is in Tuapse. From it to the village there are regular buses, shuttle buses and cabs. The journey takes 1.20-1.40 hours. During the day, the intervals between buses are from 20 minutes to two and a half hours. At the peak of the summer tourist season, there are traffic jams on the road at the exit from Tuapse and near the village of Novomikhailovka.
