Moscow State Lenkom Theater

Lenkom Theater is one of the most prominent Moscow theaters. For more than forty years it has been led by the chief director Mark Anatolievich Zakharov. The theater company has existed for 90 years, but it received the name “Lenkom Theater” in 1990.”


Video: Moscow’s Lenkom Theater celebrates its 90th anniversary



Portraits of actors in the foyer of the theater
Lenkom Theater’s chief director Mark Zakharov

History of the theater

In 1927, the first theater group of working youth – TRAM – was created in Moscow. In this theater began the creative path of the famous actor Nikolai Afanasyevich Kryuchkov. When the head of TRAM became Ivan Nikolaevich Bersenev, he brought with him many talented actors of the old Moscow Art Theater school – S. Burman, R. Platt, S. Giacintova and A. Vovsi. Under this director, the audience met E. Fadeeva, T. Okunevskaya, V. Vsevolodova and A. Sheshko. Mikhail Bulgakov was responsible for the literary production of the plays, Isaak Dunaevsky was the musical director of the theater, and the scenography was done by Evgeny Kibrick, Kukryniksy and Yuri Pimenov.

Scenes from ‘Juno and Avos’
Scenes from the play ‘Juno and Avos’

Features of theater productions

Today in the permanent repertoire of the Lenkom Theater there are many old plays. Spectators with pleasure continue to go to “Juno and Avos”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “The Royal Games”, “Balakirev’s Jester”, “Peer Gynt” and “Mad Day or The Marriage of Figaro”. In the theater you can see the play “Va-bank”, staged on the comedy by A. Ostrovsky “The Last Victim”. Ostrovsky’s comedy “The Last Victim”. Guests of the theater are very fond of “Walpurgis Night” based on the stories of Venedikt Erofeev, as well as “Popprigunya (Heavenly Wanderers)” based on the works of Aristophanes and A.P. Chekhov.


One of the theater’s new productions was “The Day of the Oprichnik” based on Vladimir Sorokin’s dystopia. When new actors at the Lenkom Theater begin to play leading roles in old productions, the audience perceives it as a premiere.


The theater’s box offices work without weekends from 11.30 to 15.00 and from 16.00 to 19.30.

Scene from the play ‘The Cherry Orchard’
Actors during the performance of ‘The Day of the Oprichnik’
Actress Elena Zakharova, performance of ‘Walpurgieva Nacht’

How to get there

Lenkom Theater is located in the city center, on Malaya Dmitrovka Street, 6. You can get to the knowledge of the theater from the metro stations “Chekhovskaya”, “Pushkinskaya” and “Tverskaya”. It is necessary to go to Pushkinskaya Square, before the building of the concert hall “Russia” turn to Malaya Dmitrovka Street and walk to the theater past the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The way from the subway takes only 5 minutes.
