Isla de la Puppet in Mexico

Isla de las Munecas (Island of the Dolls) is one of Mexico’s most mysterious tourist destinations. The quite innocuous name is only a lure for visitors – here the sight is eerie. The tropical island is inhabited by mutilated dolls that hang from almost every tree and building.


The Curious History of the Island of Dolls

Island of the Dolls” alt=””/>Wall with nailed dolls

Tourists to Note

The Island of the Dolls is located about 18 km south of downtown Mexico City in the heart of the Sochimilco canals. It can only be reached here by water, so you will have to rent a boat for your visit. You can visit the attraction at any time of the year, but the trip should be planned in advance, as tourists are taken here individually. There are not so many people who want to see the Island of Dolls, so there is no clear schedule of excursions.

‘ class=”fancybox” >Dolls hanging from trees

Some visitors claim to feel the gaze of the toys in every corner of the island. In order to placate them, it is customary to bring gifts. These can be small souvenirs, interesting trinkets or candy. If you decide to visit the island, it will not be superfluous to take on the road tincture of valerian.


Children and faint-hearted people are better not to go here. Impressionable tourists should prefer a trip to other places. Excursion to the island will suit young adventurers, eager to get a portion of adrenaline. Locals honestly warn tourists that a trip to the Island of Dolls will remain in their memory for a long time. Most likely, this place will not be the best impression of a trip to Mexico.
