Ancient city of Volubilis
Volubilis was once the southwesternmost city of the Roman Empire, but now only ruins remain. They are considered the best preserved ancient ruins in Morocco, and therefore deserve a separate visit. They are located near Meknes, between Rabat and Fez.

General information
Raised on the ruins of a Carthaginian city, Volubilis, unlike most Roman cities, was not abandoned when the Arabs replaced the Romans in North Africa. In the 18th century, the city was nearly dismantled for building materials for the palaces of Muley Ismai-la in nearby Mekne-sa. Although much of the Roman architecture, mostly dating from 217, has been lost, the columns, basilica, triumphal arch, and about 30 high quality mosaics have survived.
The triumphal arch, erected in honor of Emperor Caracalla, was formerly decorated with a bronze chariot. Proudly facing the main road leading into the city, it was restored in 1962..
The Capitol, perched on a hill above an arid plain, faces the basilica. Nearby is the House of Ephebus, where one can admire one of the marvelous mosaics depicting Bacchus in his chariot. Also of interest are the mosaics illustrating the myths of Orpheus and depicting Amphitrite’s chariot – they are in the house of a wealthy merchant.
It is a true pleasure to see such beautifully preserved works of art, whether you are an expert in archaeology or not.