Imperial Crypt (Kaisergruft)

The Imperial Crypt is one of the most mystical places in Vienna, located in a crypt under the Capuchin Church. Here, since 1633, emperors, empresses, kings and queens of the Habsburg dynasty have been buried (with one exception). Here 146 members of the ruling dynasty, including 12 emperors and 19 empresses and queens, found their final resting place. Not all Habsburgs are buried in the same way. The sumptuous double tombstones of Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I stand in stark contrast to the simple sarcophagus of Joseph II. The last emperor buried here was Franz Joseph, who died in 1916. In 1989, the sad funeral of Empress Zita, widow of Emperor Charles I, who ruled the empire from 1916 to 1918, took place. Until that day, the only custodians of the tomb were Capuchin monks.


Kaisergruft, Neuer Markt/Tegetthoffstrasse.Tel: 512-68-53. www.kaisergruft.atOpen: 10.00-18.00Bus: Karlsplatz/Oper; U1 and U3: Stephansplatz.
