Golden Gate in Vladimir

The Golden Gate of Vladimir is a monument of Old Russian fortification, built in 1158-1164 by Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky as the main combat and passage fortress tower.


General information

The Golden Gate of Vladimir is a high and powerful tower, cut through a 14-meter high vault with an arched lintel in the middle, under which were attached oak sashes shrouded in gilded copper. Above the lintel there was a battle platform. At the top of the tower was the Church of the Assumption of the Robe of the Virgin Mary. The bypass around the church surrounded by a crenellated wall was used as a second battle ground. On both sides of the tower was surrounded by an earthen embankment of the city fortress.

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Neither fires, nor dilapidation that occurred during the centuries could not damage the appearance of the Golden Gate, which remained almost unchanged until the beginning of the XIX century. Only then the building underwent a serious reconstruction: the ramparts on the sides were taken away, the tower was surrounded by annexes that hid the buttresses, and the gate church was again built of brick and consecrated in 1810. The open bypass around the church became a closed gallery, and the in-wall staircase was filled in. It was not until 1870 that it was restored.


Nowadays the Golden Gate is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, it houses a military-historical exposition, the central place in which is occupied by the diorama “The Decisive Assault on Vladimir by the troops of Batyi Khan on February 7, 1238.”


The Golden Gate is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Interesting facts

  • The Golden Gate was built of white stone by princely craftsmen, as evidenced by the princely mark left by the builder on one of the blocks.
  • In 1238 the Golden Gate withstood the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatar horde.