Fort Island in Kronstadt

Fort Island in Kronstadt is a new urban museum and history cluster deployed on an area of over 100 hectares. Since 2019, restoration of historical monuments is underway, public space is being created and landscaped. By now, unique tourist zones have been opened – a park, an exhibition center, playgrounds and sports grounds, places for leisurely walks and quiet rest. The organizers plan to reconstruct many more buildings and build new infrastructure.


Video: “Island of Forts” in Kronstadt


Kronstadt Forts

The cultural and historical complex owes its name to three grandiose fortifications of the Russian Navy on the Baltic, built to protect the Kronstadt fortress, which has no analogues in the world. These are the forts “Peter the Great”, “Emperor Alexander I” and “Kronstadt”. Now within the thematic cluster “Island of Forts” restoration works are underway, after which the historical appearance of fortification objects will be recreated and a new museum, scientific and educational space will become available.


The forts are the most beautiful monuments of Russian history and architecture of the XVIII-XX centuries, UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, the full grandiosity of which tourists will be able to see already in 2025.

Fort “Peter the Great”
Fort “Emperor Alexander I”
Fort ‘Kronshlot’

What to see on “Fort Island”

‘ Kronstadt – a new comfortable public space for residents of the Northern Capital and tourists. The concept of the park reflects the history of the Russian Navy, so all design solutions in one way or another visualize the maritime theme. On the territory of the park there are landmarks, playgrounds, recreation areas, open-air expositions.



In July 2020, an interactive “road of time” was opened – the Alley of Heroes of the Russian Navy, dedicated to the 300-year history of the Russian Navy. The length of the alley of time is 150 meters. People walking along it are offered to familiarize themselves with outstanding naval figures and their contribution to the history of the state. In the southeastern direction from the Alley of Heroes there is the Beacon of Memory, on the walls of which are embossed the names of 200 heroic personalities, both of the past centuries and the present time.

Lighthouse of Memory

By the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Garden of Memory was opened, dedicated to the feat of military medics who died in battles for their homeland. Willows, pines and apple trees were planted in the Garden. The trees surround the Beacon of Memory, creating a green ring around it.

Road of Time

Entertainment complexes for adults and children

Tourists with children on the “Island of Forts” will not be bored! The park has zones for teenagers and the youngest guests, and some entertainment will be interesting for their parents.

  • Rope Park. The two-tier structure is designed in such a way that the attraction is suitable for both children from 4 years old and adults. For extreme athletes of all ages is offered 52 objects of varying complexity. Safety of visitors is guaranteed: each participant is given a safety kit, visitors are continuously monitored by experienced instructors. Entrance is paid.
  • Skatepark. On the arranged territory you can ride not only on skateboards, but also on roller skates and stunt bikes and scooters.
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    Playgrounds. One of them, with an area of 1000 m², is equipped with a captain’s bridge with a helm, nets, various swings. The playground is divided into zones for children from 3 to 12 years old and for the youngest who are still learning to walk. The second playground (850 m²) is designed for children 3-7 years old. It has a sandbox with a canopy, a lighthouse, and elements for games. There is a stage for organizing children’s parties.

    Rope Park

    Walking and recreation areas

    The apple orchard and paths lined with wooden bridges are for lovers of quiet relaxation. Along the paths are arranged benches stylized as boats. There is a picturesque pond in the Apple Orchard.

    Apple orchard and pond

    There is an amphitheater built on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, where Panoramic Swings are installed, where 24 people can rest at the same time. In the evening, unusual lighting is turned on in the amphitheater.


    Another similar object – swings-ships, on which everyone can swing and admire the sea expanse of the Gulf of Finland.

    Swing with a view of the Gulf of Finland” alt=””/>

    There is another recreation area near the water – a quiet landscaped beach where you can sunbathe comfortably.


    Art Objects

    Fort Island has several places perfect for contemplation and interesting photographs.

  • A rock garden that sets the mood for inner harmony and relaxation.
  • “Zero Kilometer” is a symbolic reference point, a pole indicating the distances from Kronstadt to significant ports in Russian cities and other countries. It is expected that the object will be replenished with signs when delegations visit Kronstadt.
  • Compass – an art object representing a sea compass, increased in size by 50 times.
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    Seal and seagull

    Educational platform “From steam ship to atom ship”

    This is a thematic educational and cognitive zone of the park dedicated to the history of development of technical armament of the Russian Navy. Pictures with textual accompaniment tell about the evolution of shipbuilding technologies. All the images are placed on the walls of stylized steamer tubes.


    Projected facilities and areas

    In the next two to four years, other unique facilities will be opened on the territory of the “Island of Forts” park.


    Museum of Naval Glory

    According to the organizers’ plans, in 2023 a museum complex with a total area of more than 50,000 m² will open on the territory of 9.4 hectares, of which 12,000 m² will be allocated for the permanent exposition, 10,000 m² – for seasonal exhibitions, 8,000 m² – for the congress center. The rest of the area will be taken up by technical rooms and the museum’s collection.

    This will be an interactive museum where visitors will be presented with epochal objects with VR elements. The exposition will cover the historical period from Ancient Russia to the present. It is assumed that the guests of the exhibition will see simulators of aviation and marine equipment. The virtual reality mode will immerse visitors in the motifs of the naval environment.

    Museum of Naval Glory (project)

    Cable car

    ‘ by the fort ‘Emperor Alexander I’, which can be reached now only by water. The length of the road is 1.2 kilometers. The landing point in Kronstadt will be located on the territory of the Museum of Military Glory. Every hour the cable car will be able to carry 300 passengers.


    Yacht Marina and Seaport

    Another object of transport infrastructure, which will be built in 2025, is a marine terminal with a specially equipped harbor for yachts, boats and other small vessels, where crews will be provided with various services. 552 vessels will be able to stay in the harbor water area. In addition, a 6000 m² boathouse, apartments and two berths will be built in the port.


    The port will turn into a tourist attraction center for sea travelers coming from the North and Baltic Sea countries.


    Cafes and restaurants

    A food court with a restaurant and fast food cafes is arranged on the territory of the complex. Vlavashe fast food cafe and Fortoria restaurant are also open.

    The most unusual catering establishment on the “Island of Forts” is a children’s cafe-ship. It is a structure similar to the bow of a ship, where in the hold is the cafe itself, and on the deck – a viewing platform with binoculars. Children’s cafe-ship can be rightfully attributed to another attraction of the park.

    ‘ Food court on the ‘Island of Forts’” alt=””/>


    Fort Island Culture and Recreation Park is open daily from 08:00 to 21:00. Admission is free of charge.

    How to get there

    The address of “Fort Island”: Kronstadt, Citadel highway, 14.


    You can get to Kronstadt by land public transportation from St. Petersburg and during the navigation period by water: between St. Petersburg and Kotlin Island there are Meteor motor ships.


    Public transportation

    ‘ Kronstadt is followed by express bus No. 101-e and bus No. 101-a.


    From the stop to the “Island of Forts” park, you have to walk for a little over 15 minutes. It is best to navigate using navigation maps on your smartphone.


    By boat along the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland

    This way is not just a way to get to your destination, but also a beautiful romantic journey first along the picturesque Neva River, and then through the vastness of the Baltic Sea bay.

    Berths from where the motor ships “Meteor” depart:

    • from St. Petersburg: “Senate Wharf”, Angliyskaya nab., 2; “Zimnyaya Kanavka”, Dvortsovaya wharf, 32.
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    • from Kronstadt: the pier “Island of Forts” on the Central Alley of the park.
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