
General Information

Travelers have loved this place since the middle of the 18th century: the climate is favorable, the heather-covered mountains are very picturesque, there are castle ruins, churches, magnificent lakes and islands in the area.


From Killarney you can walk to a ridge overlooking Loch Lian. This is the largest of Killarney’s lakes, with 30 small islands on the loch. On the largest of these, Innisfollen Island, you can see the ruins of the 7th century abbey founded by St. Finan Lobhar. Dunlow Castle can be seen on the way to the abbey. It was built in 1215 and is now a hotel. There are a number of Ogham stones in its grounds. Before reaching Dunlow Gorge, tourists pass Kate Kearney’s cottage. It is now a bar, and in the 19th century it was home to a beauty who sold illegally brewed whisky.


Dunlow Gorge is formed by glaciers. Visitors will see three small lakes and a boulder-strewn section of the gorge.

Gap of Danloe

The Gap of Danloe is located east of the city of Killarney, within the Killarney National Park – it is perhaps the most famous tourist attraction in Ireland. From the town of Killarney, tourists can go on self-guided hikes around the lakes, on hiking trails, or by bicycle or horseback.


General Information

Travelers have loved this place since the middle of the 18th century: the climate is favorable, the heather-covered mountains are very picturesque, there are castle ruins, churches, magnificent lakes and islands in the area.


From Killarney you can walk to a ridge overlooking Loch Lian. This is the largest of Killarney’s lakes, with 30 small islands on the loch. On the largest of these, Innisfollen Island, you can see the ruins of the 7th century abbey founded by St. Finan Lobhar. Dunlow Castle can be seen on the way to the abbey. It was built in 1215 and is now a hotel. There are a number of Ogham stones in its grounds. Before reaching Dunlow Gorge, tourists pass Kate Kearney’s cottage. It is now a bar, and in the 19th century it was home to a beauty who sold illegally brewed whisky.


Dunlow Gorge is formed by glaciers. Visitors will see three small lakes and a boulder-strewn section of the gorge.