Dragon Mountains (Drakensberg)

This sightseeing attraction is related to the following countries:SOUTH AFRICALesothoSwaziland

The Drakensberg Mountains are a sharp wall of bluish rocks rising threateningly in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho, so that they form a natural protective barrier. The highest range in South Africa, the Dragon Mountains are a hiker’s paradise, renowned for their stunning beauty.


Video: Dragon Mountains

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General Information

The air in the mountains is compared to champagne – this was coined by the locals because of the breezes that blow across the peaks of this unusual formation. Many peaks exceed a height of 3,000 meters, and streams and rivers cut through them, forming incredibly spectacular canyons.


In caves among the rocks, more than 40,000 drawings are preserved, made here by an ancient people of hunters and gatherers who lived in the area more than 8,000 years ago. The drawings depict dancing, hunting and battles, as well as the almost mythical relationships that these people had with the animals that lived here.


The goal of many travelers in these mountains is the paradise valley, Ndedema. The view of the Ndedema Gorge surpasses anything seen before – the mighty mountain seems to be cut in half by a deep neck. One part of it is completely covered with forest, while the other part is absolutely bare.

Dragon Mountains Panorama

These are said to be the places that inspired Tolkien, who was born in South Africa, to write his famous Lord of the Rings.


This mountainous region is actively developing tourism. Numerous full-service hotels and campgrounds, with guides and guides provided, come in handy. For passive tourists there is an opportunity to enjoy the mountain slopes from a helicopter or from the window of a car. The restless ones will follow the picturesque passes and mountain valleys accompanied by local guides, and their luggage will be carried on the backs of smart and unpretentious ponies.


There are unique opportunities for traveling, horseback riding, and bird watching. There’s even golf and fishing.