Blue Lake

Blue Lake is located in Abkhazia, in the Ritsa relic park, on the right bank of the Bzyb River. The water in the reservoir has a rich blue hue and never freezes. Interest of travelers to the Abkhazian lake is stimulated by legends. One of them tells about a hermit who lived in a cave, on the site of which the lake later appeared, and another tells about a beautiful and treacherous lord of waters. Fans of more practical information come to wash themselves with water from the Blue Lake – this ritual is believed to give rejuvenation.

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Blue Lake is nestled on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range, like a sapphire in a setting of mountain stones. It occupies an area of 180 m². The maximum depth is 76 meters. The lake is of karst origin. The bright blue color of the water is provided by lapis lazuli deposits.


The reservoir is filled by an underground river that flows from the Achtsykh Mountain and is fed by rainwater. At the same time, the excess liquid goes beyond the Blue Lake along the rocks, flowing into the Bzyb River.


Interesting facts

‘ Abkhazia. It has a number of amazing features.

  • Even on the hottest days, the water does not get warmer than +10 °C, and in winter the reservoir is not covered with ice.
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  • Despite the fact that a full-flowing mountain river flows into the Blue Lake, with a strong current and a characteristic noise, the water surface remains calm and still, as if a mirror.
  • The lake is called “dead” because there are no fish, plankton or even any plants living in it.
  • The color of the body of water is bright blue in all weather and seasons.
  • It seems that the water in Blue Lake is murky, although in fact it is the clearest. This phenomenon is associated with its dimensions. The diameter of the reservoir is small, about 20 meters, and at its great depth falling at an angle sunlight does not reach the bottom. Because of this, the illusion of dark, opaque water is formed.
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  • Blue Lake can be seen in the movie “Sannikov Land”. Here they filmed a scene with a whirlpool, in which the raft fell.

Legends of Blue Lake

As mysterious as Blue Lake itself are the legends of its appearance. Most often, local guides tell tourists stories about an old man with blue eyes and the lord of the waters Dzydzlan.


The story of the blue-eyed hermit

According to legend, originally there was a cave in the place where the lake is located. A white-bearded 100-year-old man with blue eyes settled there. In his youth, the man was a hunter, and in his old age he decided to lead a hermit lifestyle and contemplate the beauty of nature.


The old man had a rich hunting experience, so young people came to his cave to learn the secrets of skill, the location of mountain trails and the habits of animals. He did not refuse to help anyone, and as a token of gratitude hunters, returning home, brought him some of the meat and skins of the captured animals.


But one day, in inclement weather, strangers wandered into these neighborhoods. The old man, as a hospitable host should, agreed to let them spend the night in the cave and fed them. After dinner, the hermit made the sleeping places for the guests with the best skins. When the people saw the luxurious furs, they became greedy and decided to seize the riches. They killed their host and began to quickly gather the skins. Suddenly a powerful stream of water blocked the exit from the cave and then flooded it. This is how the Lake of the Abkhazian elder was formed, the water in which reflects the blue color of his eyes, and somewhere at the very bottom rests his body.


Tale of the beautiful Dzydzlan

The legend of Dzydzlan takes us to a mysterious underwater world. Dzydzlan is a beautiful lordess of the waters. The enchantress lived underwater and seemed to possess everything that is necessary for happiness – beauty, youth and untold riches.


Dzydzlan had a special magic mirror, in which you can see any place and person in the world. Through it, the ruler of the waters looked at men, chose only the most attractive, lured them to her, and after fleeting romances released with rich gifts.


And the harmless entertainment would have gone on and on, if not for one extremely lazy and ugly shepherd. The fellow was herding a flock on the slopes of Mount Mamdzishkha. Rumors reached him that in these parts lives a beautiful Dzydzlan, and also a sorceress. He wanted the lord of waters to fall in love with him. And since the shepherd was sure of his own irresistibility, he simply came to the lawn near the stream flowing out of the cave near the Bzyb River. In the shade of boxwood trees he would sleep, expecting Dzydzlan to come to him in his dreams. The shepherd liked to sleep, so he visited the clearing with enviable regularity.


Dzydzlan recognized that a young man was coming to the stream. She became curious as to who was seeking to meet her. She approached the sleeping shepherd, examined him and flew into a rage – how dare he claim such a beauty? The Lady of Waters grabbed the sleeping shepherd and threw him to the ground. The vault of the cave beneath the lawn collapsed from the force of the blow. Over time, water filled the hollow, thus Blue Lake appeared at the site of the failed date.


Sights around the lake

A trip to the Blue Lake is worth combining with a visit to other Abkhazian sights.


More famous than Blue Lake is Lake Ritsa. Usually excursion routes include a visit to both bodies of water, as Blue Lake is located on the road to Ritsa.

Lake Ritsa” alt=””/>Yupsharsky Canyon” alt=””/>Stalin’s Dacha in Abkhazia
Maiden’s Tears Waterfall
Men’s Tears Waterfall
Gegskiy waterfall

We also recommend to see the waterfalls located along the way – “Maiden’s Tears” and “Man’s Tears”. A little farther from the Blue Lake is Gega Waterfall, but if you have time, it is worth including it in the list as well.


You can take spectacular photos from the observation deck at Yupsharsky Canyon.


A successful end of the trip will be a visit to Stalin’s dacha.


Practical information” alt=””/>‘ Lake Ritsa. It is not necessary to go far from the road – the reservoir is practically by the side of the road, to the left of the highway. You can get here by own or rented car, use cab or private cab offers, as well as order an excursion with departure from the nearest resort towns.


The road to the lake from the center of Gagra will take about 40 minutes. You need to drive on Sukhumi highway E60, then turn off at the village of Bzypta on SH11. The total distance is 30 km.


The trip from Pitsunda will take almost an hour. Go to the northeast, to the highway E60.


If you plan to leave Sochi or Adler, you will need to cross the Russian border with Abkhazia. It is better to leave early in the morning and allocate a full day to visit the Blue Lake and the surrounding area.
