The Great Moscow Circus on Prospekt Vernadskogo

The Great Moscow State Circus on Prospekt Vernadskogo is the largest circus in the world! It seats three and a half thousand people.


General information

The Great Circus on Vernadsky was once a small traveling platform with a troupe of 30 people. Now it is a huge creative team of 300 artists, in the arsenal of the circus more than 200 numbers for each artist.


In the arsenal of the circus – five arenas, which can change each other in record time – equestrian, ice, water, illusion and light. All maneges are located in the technical hall at a depth of 18 meters, they manage to change between each other in five minutes. There is another arena, no less important, the rehearsal arena. It is occupied almost around the clock. On it the artists practice their numbers and make warm-up before the performance.


Construction of the circus was started in the early 60’s – then no one thought what a terrible long construction project this building would turn out to be. It was completed only thanks to chance. Chairman of the Council of Ministers Kosygin, who often passed by here, poked his finger into the fence one day and said: “I don’t want to see this ugliness again!” Then the money immediately went to the right place, and the construction was completed at a rapid pace, and the circus was soon opened.


All members of the Politburo visited here, even Brezhnev and Furtseva loved the circus. One day the performance was preceded by a documentary with Brezhnev. Suddenly, the projector broke down, the screen froze on the image of Ilyich and caught fire. Fortunately, there was no scandal, and then the circus joked: “We have only Leonid Ilyich and burned.”


On the stage of the Bolshoi Circus performed the most famous and epathetic circus performers: Oleg Popov, Irina Bugrimova, Pencil and, of course, the maestro of the arena, Yuri Nikulin. Artists of the Bolshoi Circus have in their arsenal numbers of all circus genres, tour with them all over the world, participate in international festivals and receive for this the titles of People’s and Honored Artists of Russia.



  • Address: 7 Prospekt Vernadskogo
  • Metro: Universitet
  • Phone: +7 (495)930-28-15
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: 10.00-19.00