Bieszczady Mountains

This attraction is related to the countries:PolandPoland , UkraineSlovakia

Bieszczady Mountains is a national park, which is part of the Eastern Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, which is located on the territory of three countries – Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine.


Stunning wildlife and picturesque landscapes have made this attraction an ideal vacation destination. Bieszczady impresses with its beauty in the summer and fall months, and in winter awaits with open arms skiing enthusiasts.


Video: Mount Bieszczady

General Information

The Bieszczady Mountains are about 60 kilometers long. They are composed mainly of flysch, covered with forests and meadows. The highest peak of the Bieszczady Mountains is Mount Pikui (1405 m), which is in the Lviv region. In Poland, the highest peak is Mount Tarnica (1346 m).


Beech and mixed forests cover almost the entire territory of the region, only the tops of the mountains, the highest of which rises to 1346 meters above sea level, and green valleys where roe deer graze. All this beauty is not deprived of the sound of mountain rivers. The forests are inhabited by many animals, including large ones – bears, moose, bison. Nature in this area has preserved its pristine beauty.


The total length of walking routes in the park is more than 150 km, there are very few settlements in the area, so no one and nothing can interfere with the enjoyment of communication with nature. However, do not forget that there is a high probability of meeting with wild animals, so it is better to go for a walk in the afternoon, when the real masters of the forest most often rest. And at the same time do not make too much noise, so as not to disturb their peace. Besides beautiful forests and picturesque valleys, Bieszczady also offers water recreation. In the upper reaches of the mountains there are two beautiful artificial lakes, which will be appreciated by lovers of sailing and boating.


Especially beautiful in Bieszczady in the fall. The leaves of the beech trees turn purple, through the branches there are delightful views of the yellow-green valleys. On the blue background of the sky, in clear sunny weather, flashes such a play of colors that once you see this picture at least once, you will never forget it. And if you climb to the top of the highest mountain in the same clear weather, you will have a magnificent view of the mountains and valleys for many kilometers ahead. Everything that in summer was hidden by leaves becomes open, as if in the palm of your hand. Autumn here is definitely not a “dreary time”, but only “the charm of the eyes!”


One more peculiarity of the Bieszczady Mountains is worth mentioning. Here, in one of the small towns, lives a peculiar community calling itself “zakopers”. It is a strange community of people who have gone away from civilization each for their own reasons. They do handicrafts and entertain tourists with stories. They are not hippies, not sectarians, just people who consciously refused the benefits of the modern world and decided to live in unity with nature.
