Arslanbob (Arstanbap)
Arslanbob is a village in Bazar-Korgon District, Jalal-Abad Oblast, Kyrgyzstan, 690 km from Bishkek. It has 21 thousand inhabitants, mostly Uzbeks. The traditional way of life has been preserved here, so travelers have an opportunity to get acquainted with the local culture and see the real oriental flavor. On the territory of the village there is a resort zone with numerous recreation centers. Arslanbob valley is famous for the largest walnut forest in the world and is a tourist attraction. The Arslanbob forest is natural, it appeared more than 50 million years ago. The area of the reserve is 700 thousand hectares, and on this huge territory there are more than 130 species of shrubs and trees, including walnut, pistachio, almond, alycha, pear and others. The most notable part of the Arslanbob forest are the walnut trees. Some of them are over 1,000 years old and each yields between 150 and 400 kilograms of walnuts each year.
.The name Arslanbob, according to legend, was the name of a righteous man whom the Almighty left to protect and cultivate walnut forests, rewarding him with eternal life for the fulfillment of his labors. By the way, in the village there is a mazar of the legendary gardener, ranked by Muslims as a saint, and next to the mosque, which in the old days gathered crowds of pilgrims from all over Central Asia.