Anchor Gap

Anchor Slit is a popular vacation spot in the Lazarevsky district of Krasnodar Krai. The resort neighborhood is located on the shore of the Black Sea, in the valley of the Khadzhipse River, between the settlements of Shakhe and Vardane. Among travelers Anchor Slit is known as the most secluded and ecologically clean place of the resort area of Greater Sochi, and many choose this part of the coast for family vacations.


Video: Anchor Slit

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The village is surrounded by picturesque foothills and is safely protected from the winds. The richness of the Colchian forests, abundance of mountain air, clean warm sea and the absence of large crowds of people attract everyone who wants to spend a vacation away from the “party” places and the noise of the city, likes to live in nature, and also prefers hiking and horseback riding. In Anchor Slit created all the conditions so that tourists coming here could enjoy a comfortable beach vacation among the lush subtropical nature.


Resort village is small in size, but there is enough housing in it. In almost every yard tourists rent rooms and rooms. In addition, a dozen and a half mini-hotels and guest houses are built in the Anchor Slit. There are also recreation centers, large hotels and boarding houses. It is noteworthy that the prices for accommodation in Anchor Slit are much lower than in the urban area of Sochi, and slightly lower than in Lazarevsky.


In the village of Anchor Slit there is all the necessary infrastructure – houses are gasified and have central sewerage. On the territory of the resort there is 4G coverage, there are no power outages. During the summer season in Anchor Slit tourists are served by several cafes, restaurants and canteens that offer Russian, European and Caucasian cuisine. There are no large shopping centers in the village, but there is a supermarket, as well as stores and stores where you can buy food, fresh fruits and vegetables, medicines, resort goods and souvenirs.


In addition to beach recreation, travelers to Anchor Slit can spend time sea fishing. Fish are caught from the buna on the central beach or from boats in the open sea. Diving enthusiasts can explore the underwater caves, and those wishing to explore the surrounding foothills – hiking and horseback riding.


Anchor Slit is connected by regular bus service and suburban trains with other resort places of the Black Sea coast. And if you want entertainment, you can always go to Lazarevskoye or Sochi.


History of the village

The resort place received its name, thanks to the old anchor and the features of the coastal relief. Many mountain rivers before flowing into the Black Sea flow through narrow gulleys, which are called here “slits”. The Hadjipse River is no exception.


At the beginning of the last century, divers lifted an old sea anchor from a sunken corvette. It turned out that it was cast in 1779 at a factory in the town of Votkinsk. When the sea relic was raised from the bottom, it had been lying on the coast for some time. In 1912 the old anchor was loaded onto a ship and transported by sea to Sochi. In April 1913, a monument in memory of the foundation of Sochi (1838) appeared in the city. This monument can be seen even nowadays. It is located in Pushkin Square, in the very center of the resort city. The old monument consists of an old ship cannon and a huge anchor, delivered from the Anchor Slit.


The history of the village as a Black Sea resort began in 1961, when it became part of the Sochi resort zone. In the early 2000s, most of the local hotels and recreation centers were built. Anchor Slit has become a popular vacation spot, and so resort construction here continues.


Beaches of Anchor Slit

All beaches of the village are pebble, but in some places fine pebbles alternate with sandy deposits. The sea is clean, and the descent to the water is gentle. In the area of Anchor Slit even in the peak tourist season there is no crowding, so you can always find a comfortable place on the beaches. Mass bathing season lasts from late May to early October. In mid-summer the sea water warms up to +24 ° C.


The central beach of Anchor Slit is the largest. It stretches for more than one kilometer from the mouth of the river Khadzhipse towards Sochi and has a width of 15 to 40 meters. During the summer tourist season, lifeguards are constantly on duty on this beach. Tourists can rent sun beds and sun umbrellas. The bathing area is marked with buoys, and for the exit of boats and jet skis there is a specially designated path. Since on the central beach spend time not only resorts, but also children vacationing in camps and resorts, in this part of the coast try to comply with all sanitary standards.


North of the mouth of the river Hajipse there is a less extended beach “Fishing”. This name he received, thanks to the nearby fishing station. The beach area stretches for 200 meters and has a width of 10 to 30 meters. Here, as on the central beach, organized rental of sun beds and sun umbrellas. In addition, vacationers can spend time on water attractions – ride the “tablet” and “banana”, fly a parachute behind a speedboat, as well as rent jet skis or catamarans.


South of the central beach of Anchor Slit, where the river Beranda flows into the Black Sea, is the beach of the resort village of Beranda. It is very narrow, as the railroad on this section of the coast passes close to the sea. Nevertheless, the beach of Beranda has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable rest – sun beds, umbrellas, water attractions and kiosks where you can buy food and drinks.


Opportunities for treatment and recovery

Anchor Gap is spread out on flat terrain. There are no steep ascents and descents in the resort village, so rest in it is suitable for small children, the elderly, as well as those who have health problems.


Local boarding houses all year round receive vacationers who want to heal and get a charge of vigor, and here come many families and groups of children with caretakers. Thanks to a special microclimate, in the Anchor gap feel great all those who have problems with respiratory organs and cardiovascular system. And those who have just arrived on vacation, do not need much time for acclimatization.


Greater Sochi is famous for its therapeutic opportunities. Beautiful subtropical climate, sea bathing, plenty of sunshine and walks in the fresh air allow guests of the resort village to gain strength and cure many diseases. Anchor Slit boarding houses use Lazarevskaya mineral water, treatment with healing muds of Imeretinskaya Bay and various physiotherapeutic procedures.


Where to go from Anchor Slit

There are no special attractions in the resort village itself. From hiking popular travel to the picturesque valley of the river Khadzhipse. Just 1.5 km from the Anchor Slit you can see five waterfalls, located not far from each other. It is not difficult to reach them even with a small child.


On excursions to the sights of the Black Sea coast tourists go on their own or buy ready-made tours in excursion bureaus. In the neighboring resort village of Vardane organized horseback riding and ATV rides on mountain trails and forest roads. People come to Golovinka to see a huge tulip tree, whose trunk diameter exceeds 2.4 meters, and in Loo – to have fun in a large modern water park. Conveniently, the road from Anchor Slit to any of these resort villages takes only 10-15 minutes.


One of the most popular excursions is considered to be a visit to 33 waterfalls in the valley of the Shakhe River. They are located on the territory of the Sochi National Park, a few kilometers above the mountain village of Bolshoi Kichmai. In addition, from Anchor Gap travel to Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi, and even to Abkhazia.


How to get there

The nearest airport to Anchor Slit is in Adler. From it to the resort village you can take a cab (65 km). Those who prefer to use public transportation, first take shuttle buses to the Sochi bus station, and from there by shuttle buses or cabs – to Anchor Slit (35 km).


If you come to the Black Sea coast by train, then tickets should be taken to the station “Lazarevskaya”. All trains heading to Adler stop there. The distance from “Lazarevskaya” to Anchor Slit is 32 km, which can be traveled by cab, shuttle bus or suburban train (electric trains “Lastochka”).


It is not difficult to get to the Anchor Slit and by private car. Through the resort village passes the federal highway A147, which on its territory is called the “Main Street.”
