Amazon River

Attractions refers to the following countries:BrazilBrazil , ColombiaPeru

The Amazon is the planet’s greatest river, crossing the South American continent from west to east mostly across the vast territory of Brazil. The colossal Amazon basin is home to the largest virgin jungle on Earth, where amazing tropical trees and lianas grow and exotic animals live. Travelers have the opportunity to explore the impenetrable forested coasts of the great river from the boards of cruise ships, to visit the cities and indigenous villages of the Amazon, enjoy the authentic wildlife during excursions.


Video: Amazon



‘ Andes. This mountain system rises on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. After receiving the waters of numerous tributaries, the Amazon River flows into the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of South America. On the long path that crosses the continent, the river creates a vast floodplain bordering Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador. In all of these countries, the Amazon and its tributaries, which feed the vast tropical jungle, serve as major natural attractions.


The path of the main stream of the “queen of rivers” from the mountains in the west to the mouth on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean for two-thirds passes through the territory of Brazil, occupying almost half of Latin America. Curiously, Brazilians call the Amazon only a small part of the great river – from the confluence of the Rio Negro to the mouth (1450 km). The entire upper reaches of the Amazon in this country are referred to as the Solimoes River.

Portuguese has been spoken in Brazil for about 500 years. However, the vocabulary of Brazilians is markedly different from European Portuguese. Colloquial speech is saturated with words from Indian and African dialects denoting animal breeds, everyday objects, plant species, and natural phenomena.

Amazon River

The Great River and its tributaries serve as natural highways. Locals and tourists travel by riverboats and motorboats. Fueling terminals are built on stilts in the backwaters of the busy fairways to replenish the fuel tanks of ships and boats. Stores and tourist campsites stand on piling platforms. Hotels and restaurants are set up in old steamships moored to the shore. But the distance between these islands of civilization can be hundreds of miles.


Traveling the Amazon is an exciting adventure, but it will require preparation. Before traveling, you will need to make the necessary vaccinations, as myriads of swamp mosquitoes can transmit dangerous diseases, including malaria, yellow fever. Insect bites near the water and in the jungle are impossible to guard against.

Amazon River from satellite