Abrau-Durso is a village 14 km from Novorossiysk, the birthplace of Russian champagne and a cult destination for all those who are fond of the history of domestic winemaking. The pleasant zest of this destination is also in the fact that the tasting rooms and cellars of the winery welcome guests all year round. If you failed to get to the Abrau-Durso vineyards in summer, you can easily try again at any other convenient time.

Video: Abrau-Durso
Contents- General information
- Climatic features. Best time to travel
- History of the village
- Sights and attractions in Abrau-Durso
- What to see in the surroundings
Beach Holidays - Restaurants and Cafes
- What to buy in Abrau-Durso
Where to stay - Transportation
- How to get there
General Information
Abrau-Durso is not a typical village. It is an amalgamation of two neighboring farm settlements – Abrau and Dyurso. The first is located on the shores of the lake of the same name, absorbing almost all the attractions, including the very vineyards, for the sake of which the tourist crowds rush to Kuban. The second village nestles on the shore of the Black Sea, having conquered a strip of large-pebble beach between two rocks overgrown with juniper. The distance between Abrau and Dyurso in a straight line is only 4 km, so the main occupation of travelers resting here – periodic “migrating” from the seashore to the vicinity of Lake Abrau and back.
As for wine production, despite the modest size of the settlement, it is quite large here. Experts say that the local terroir on some indicators surpasses the famous Champagne region, which allows you to get extra-class raw materials that are not inferior in taste to the elite varieties of Italian, Spanish and French grapes. By the way, sparkling wine in Abrau-Durso is produced using two technologies at once – the Charm method, which implies fermentation in metal tanks, and the classical method, in which the drink goes through several complex stages of fermentation in bottles.